Saturday, January 28, 2012

1-28-12: Song-filled Saturdays

Y'all don't know how excited I am this week to share this song with you!!!!!!!
This weeks tune is by this newish band, Kingston. They were formally known as the Carter Twins, but have since changed their name, and sound slightly, but they are still a country band :D
   I came across them back in November, after hearing a Christmas song of theirs, but couldn't find any of their music on itunes, other than that song :(. To be honest, I kinda-sorta forgot about them until earlier this week, thinking "I haven't checked to see if they've released any new music yet... hmmm". So, I went to their youtube page, and sure enough!!! There it was, I may have inwardly screamed as I saw it, their new song!!!
So enough of my babbling, here it is!!

Song: Dear Someone
Artist: Kingston
Genre: Country
Favorite Lyrics: "I heard it in a song somewhere, you just can't hurry love, but baby if you're out there would you please just hurry up"

Why I Love This Song: There are so many reasons I love this song, and why you should too! lol It is fun, but sensitive, and totally sweet. Can't you imagine this being written out as a letter for your future spouse?? I give it a 5/5 stars.
not my image

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