Monday, January 23, 2012

1-23-12: Movie Mondays - Courageous

Hello my lovely followers!!
For the first Movie Monday, I'm going to share my thoughts on one of my new favorites...

not my image
Back in October, I went and saw this movie with one of my best friends, and it was incredible! I almost cried... and I don't cry for movies.
The amazing story of four fathers in four different stages of lives, isn't just for dads as some may think. It is a family movie, even with its PG-13 rating.
The makers are the same from previous titles, Flywheel, Facing the Giants, and Fireproof, so going into the theater, I'll admit, I set my expectations high. Facing the Giants is one of my all-time favorite movies, and so is Fireproof. As my friend and I took our seats in the crowded theater, I prepared myself, trying to keep my expectations on a normal level, but at the same time practically bouncing in my seat for what I hoped would be the movie of the year. At least for me ;) .
After about half an hour of credits, the movie finally rolled, and I was sucked in. The story was incredibly written, and for actors, who weren't all professionals, this movie was extremely well-made.
But beyond that, I was really touched. It was obvious God had a hand in this film, and it deserved my 6.50 Matinee ticket purchase.

Why should you see it: Why shouldn't you? If you want a heart-felt, God centered movie, this is it, people! Sherwood Pictures is so, so talented, and it is very clear that God truly has a hand in everything they do. As for the story, all I can say without spoiling much, is this: Incredible!!

Why you shouldn't see it: Well, unlike the other three films, this movie does have a higher rating. But, the only reason for that is that the four main characters are all cops, so there are a few violent scenes. No foul language, and no suggestive material.

My rating: It was given a PG-13, but for me, I'd rate it AA10+, for All Ages 10 and up. And, it gets 5 stars :D

Since it is finally out on DVD, there is no excuse people! Go rent/buy Courageous!!!

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