Tuesday, January 17, 2012

1-17-12: The Sickness of Busyness

Hey 2012ers!
So, you just saw the title of the post, and now you're wondering, "What in the world does she mean by this?". Well, I'm gonna show you :)
At my church this past Sunday, my truly incredible pastor delivered a sermon I'm positive was straight from the mouth of God. The Man upstairs really wanted to get my attention this week and well... He succeeded. :)
The sermon was entitled, "The Sickness of Busyness", and to be honest, I was really looking forward to it. I'm constantly over-the-top busy(y'all know that though ;) and so I was going into this thinking, "okay, he's gonna give me some pointers on how to lighten my schedule." And while my pastor did just that, there was a little more to this sermon than just, "Say no to people more, and yes to God more".
Take about 40 minutes and listen to the sermon I'm posting a link to, I promise it'll be worth your while. (Oh, and those categories he lists under the whole "symptoms"... guess what? I have almost every single one :( )


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