Tuesday, January 24, 2012

1-24-12:The Random Tuesdays

Hey, hey!!

Okay, the the title kinda sucks, I know, but I honestly couldn't come up with anything better :(
So, I'll explain...
Every Tuesday I can, I'll be posting something random. Maybe a funny and/or meaningful video, a quote I enjoyed, a favorite recipe, ect. The only thing I won't ever post on Tuesdays is something covered in one of my other categories. (Movie Mondays, Wordless Wednesdays, Thoughtful Thursdays, Fashion Fridays & Song-filled Saturdays)
   SOOO, this week's Random is...(Drum roll)

A funny video!
   A friend of mine shared this in facebook, and I loved it! This guy is incredible, and I suggest you view his other videos too. Being homeschooled, I really connected to this vid, but every one he's posted I've loved. :)

Have a great week!

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