Saturday, December 31, 2011

12-31-11: New Year's Eve

Wow... is it seriously almost 2012? Are you kidding me? That can't be!!!
But it is! Another whole year has gone by... yikes.
In 2011, so much changed for me, it is insane.
  • I became old enough to drive(Though I still don't have my license or permit...)
  • I attended yet another life altering mission trip
  • Realized where God wants me to go with my life
  • Strengthened my relationship with my Savior
  • And listened to a lot more music ;) (Yes... it was mostly country)

I made some resolutions last year and for the most part, I think I've really managed to keep up with them.
My main one was to prepare to make a difference. But inside that, I had three other resolutions...

  • Stay in constant communication with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ

I believe I did pretty well with this one, until lately :( Sadly I've dropped the ball with my prayer time. So this one will continue to be on my list for 2012.

  • Stay in the Word, studying everything in it.

I did amazing with this all summer, and then decently in this school year. But, I know I can do better, so I'll continue with this too.

  • Listening and learning what God has to say through people wiser than I.

If I do say so myself... I rocked this one. LOL. Every chance I could I was listening to a sermon, or a Sunday School lesson, or attending youth group, or bible study. I drank it all in like I would die without it. And, this one I'll continue with as well... mostly because I can't stop :)

But, I've got a few new ones to add...
Canter on the wall more effectively.
Do better in school
Stop focusing on what the world says, and more on what God says.

What about you? How did you do with your 2011 resolutions? Have you come up with any new ones?
Happy 2012 everyone!!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

12-27-11: Christmas 2011

Merry belated Christmas everyone!!
I had a pretty good Christmas this year, and just a small way to show you that, I've come up with my own twist on the 12 Days of Christmas song...

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
One King born this day!

not my image

On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
Two Remington hair dryers,

not my image
and one King born this day!
On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
Three broken ornaments,

Two Remington hair dryers,
And one King born this day!
On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
Four amazing movies,
not my image

Three broken ornaments,
Two Remington hair dryers,
And one King born this day!
On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
Five different gift cards,
not my image

Four amazing movies,
Three broken ornaments,
Two Remington hair dryers,
And one King born this day!
On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
Six hours of sleep,

not my image
Five different gift cards,
Four amazing movies,
Three broken ornaments,
Two Remington hair dryers,
And one King born this day!
On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
(Only!) Seven minutes late for church,
not my image

Six hours of sleep,
Five different gift cards,
Four amazing movies,
Three broken ornaments,
Two Remington hair dryers,
And one King born this day!
On the eighth day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
Eight adults stressing,
not my image

(Only!) Seven minutes late for church,
Six hours of sleep,
Five different gift cards,
Four amazing movies,
Three broken ornaments,
Two Remington hair dryers,
And one King born this day!
On the ninth day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
Nine tries at Just Dance 3,

not my image
Eight adults stressing,
(Only!) Seven minutes late for church,
Six hours of sleep,
Five different gift cards,
Four amazing movies,
Three broken ornaments,
Two Remington hair dryers,
And one King born this day!
On the tenth day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
Ten candy-cane painted nails,
not my image

Nine tries at Just Dance 3,
Eight adults stressing,
(Only!) Seven minutes late for church,
Six hours of sleep,
Five different gift cards,
Four amazing movies,
Three broken ornaments,
Two Remington hair dryers,
And one King born this day!
On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
Eleven cousins unwrapping,

not my image
Ten candy-cane painted nails,
Nine tries at Just Dance 3,
Eight adults stressing,
(Only!) Seven minutes late for church,
Six hours of sleep,
Five different gift cards,
Four amazing movies,
Three broken ornaments,
Two Remington hair dryers,
And one King born this day!
On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
Twelve different kinds of cookies,

not my image
Eleven cousins unwrapping,
Ten candy-cane painted nails,
Nine tries at Just Dance 3,
Eight adults stressing,
(Only!) Seven minutes late for church,
Six hours of sleep,
Five different gift cards,
Four amazing movies,
Three broken ornaments,
Two Remington hair dryers,
And one King born this day!

Have a wonderful Tuesday, everyone!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

12-22-11: My 11 favorite quotes I heard in 2011

Here we go again.... :)

11. "Roses are red, violets are blue... love never crossed my mind until I met you!"

10. "My brain is 70% song lyrics." (It is actually more like 95% ;)

9. "Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the moment, ignore the pain. Live, laugh, love, forgive and forget... 'cuz life is too short to be living with regrets."

8. "If you could see my google history you'd think I was nuts... unless you're a writer. Then you'd understand."

7. "Jesus Christ is my Savior, not your swear word."

6. "Stop that Rhyming, I mean it!" "Anybody want a peanut?" - Princess Bride

5. "Be a best friend, tell the truth, and over you I LOVE YOU!" - Lee Brice

4. "Not perfect... just forgiven" :)

3. "You're the peanut to my butter, the star to my burst, the pop to my tart, the fruit to my loop, but most important you're the best to my friend!"

2. "Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says, 'Oh crap, she's up!' "

1. "If you live to be 100, I want to live to be 100 minus one day, so I'd never have to live without you." - Pooh Bear
Not my image

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

12-21-11: My top 11 books I've read in 2011

Keeping this trend going, here are my top 11 books that I've read in 2011...

11. Lonestar Homecoming - Lonestar Series - Colleen Coble
10. Every Storm - Lori Wick
9. Lonestar Secrets - Lonestar Series - Colleen Coble
8. Arkansas - Christine Lynxwiler
7. So Over My Head- A Charmed Life Series - Jenny B Jones
6. I’m So Sure- A Charmed Life Series - Jenny B Jones
5. The Princess -Lori Wick
4. Just Between You and Me - Jenny B Jones
3. Lonestar Sanctuary - Lonestar Series - Colleen Coble
2. Save the Date - Jenny B Jones
1. So Not Happening- A Charmed Life Series - Jenny B Jones

Yeah, so there are mostly series in this list, but they were all amazing! Check them out in 2012!!
(P.S... check out Jenny's blog too!)

Monday, December 19, 2011

12-19-11: My top 11 movies from 2011

Continuing with my "11" theme, here is a list of my 11 favorite movies I watched 2011(Not necessarily from 2011 though)...

11. Thor -2011
10. The Spy Next Door -2010
9. Secretariat -2010
8. Prom -2011
7. Cars 2 -2011
6. Tangled -2010
5. Dolphin Tale -2011
4. Letters to Juliet -2010
3. Soul Surfer -2011
2. Beastly -2011
1. Courageous -2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

12-16-11: My top 11 songs from 2011

So, as this year sadly comes to a close, I figured I'd come up with the top 11 songs(in honor of 2011) that I listened to this year. Y'all know how much I love music, so this was no easy task... but here we go...
11. Unafraid - Joy Williams

10. Long Black Train - Josh Turner

9. Dirty Dishes - Scotty McCreery

8. Wait for Me - Rebecca St. James

7. Ours - Taylor Swift

6. Wanted - Hunter Hayes

5. Forever Reign - Hillsong United

4. Revelation Song - Kari Jobe

3. Never Once - Matt Redman

2. Battle - Chris August

1. Growing Her Wings - Lauren Alaina

And of course, me being me, here are my honorable-mentions :)

She's a Wildflower - Lauren Alaina
Awake and Alive - Skillet
Christ Alone - Edens Edge

Thursday, December 8, 2011


It is crazy to think that Christmas is just over two weeks away, isn't it? My brothers' Christmas program was tonight, and that, along with our house being covered with Christmas decor, made that realization even more evident.
I just love seeing little kids singing about baby Jesus. It really makes you put everything into perspective when cute, little four, five and six year-olds are singing, "Joy to the world, the Lord has come" and other songs like that. I don't think the majority of them really know what they are singing about, but still... I can only imagine God staring down on them, smiling ear-to-ear.
We are incredibly blessed that my brothers are able to attend a Christian private school, so every year we get to see a program that expresses the true reason for the season. But, I've gone to quite a few different programs over the years where Christmas is actually Holidays, and the "real" reason, is not Jesus. :( It really makes me sad when that happens, and I can only imagine how God feels, He gave His best gift ever, His son! And yet, we too often forget about that, getting all wrapped up in the giving and receiving of gifts, Christmas parties and spending time with family. Not that these things are wrong, but we really need to remember that the only reason we are able to celebrate, is because God sent His one and only son down to earth, to live a Holy and perfect life, only to die on a cross for something we did, because He loved us that much.
There was a song later in the program sung by one of the middle schoolers, and I find it just incredible. If you haven't heard it, I'm going to share it with you and I encourage you to pass it on. Put it on your blogs, facebook pages or wherever. It is called, "Where's the line to see Jesus" by, Becky Kelley.

"Santa Clause brought me presents, but CHRIST gave His LIFE for me."

Merry CHRISTmas everyone!