Thursday, December 8, 2011


It is crazy to think that Christmas is just over two weeks away, isn't it? My brothers' Christmas program was tonight, and that, along with our house being covered with Christmas decor, made that realization even more evident.
I just love seeing little kids singing about baby Jesus. It really makes you put everything into perspective when cute, little four, five and six year-olds are singing, "Joy to the world, the Lord has come" and other songs like that. I don't think the majority of them really know what they are singing about, but still... I can only imagine God staring down on them, smiling ear-to-ear.
We are incredibly blessed that my brothers are able to attend a Christian private school, so every year we get to see a program that expresses the true reason for the season. But, I've gone to quite a few different programs over the years where Christmas is actually Holidays, and the "real" reason, is not Jesus. :( It really makes me sad when that happens, and I can only imagine how God feels, He gave His best gift ever, His son! And yet, we too often forget about that, getting all wrapped up in the giving and receiving of gifts, Christmas parties and spending time with family. Not that these things are wrong, but we really need to remember that the only reason we are able to celebrate, is because God sent His one and only son down to earth, to live a Holy and perfect life, only to die on a cross for something we did, because He loved us that much.
There was a song later in the program sung by one of the middle schoolers, and I find it just incredible. If you haven't heard it, I'm going to share it with you and I encourage you to pass it on. Put it on your blogs, facebook pages or wherever. It is called, "Where's the line to see Jesus" by, Becky Kelley.

"Santa Clause brought me presents, but CHRIST gave His LIFE for me."

Merry CHRISTmas everyone!

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