I don't know about you, but 2010 was arguably the best year of my life, and I was sad to see it end... but, I was also very excited about what this new year will bring in. Friendships, travels, who knows what is in store.
As I was watching a New Year's special last night, I was thinking, I still hadn't made any resolutions. Every year before this I've had them ready back in the beginning of December, but for some reason, this time couldn't really think if anything except the obvious, spending more time in the Word, spending more time in prayer, that kind of stuff. It really took me awhile to come up with something different.
When I finally did, I realized that it is rather cheesy, and might even cause some to laugh, but I still kept it on my list. Here it is...
Prepare to make difference
I know, I know... a little cheesy right? Well, I don't care. I do, I want to change something, I want to make a difference in this world, even if it is just in my little corner.
What happened to the days when everyone said, "Merry CHRISTmas" or even more recently, "One nation, under GOD"?
I'm not sure how I plan on making this change, or even when, all I know is that I am preparing to make a difference.
Now, preparing isn't going to easier than making the difference, it will be hard. How do I plan on preparing? Well, so far I've come up with three steps.
1. Stay in constant communication with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
Communication goes two ways. I cannot just talk, I also have to listen. I've learned this past year that I can actually learn more if I just stop everything for a few moments, close my eyes and just listen. If I stay constant in this practice, I know that my Savior will show me exactly what he has in mind for me.
2. Stay in the Word, studying everything in it
The bible isn't just some big book. It is full of these amazing revelations, stories that are real, they really happened, prophesies that really did come true, and are still, it is the most important book ever to be read, bar none.
3. Listening and learning about what God has to say through people wiser than I
My pastor has an amazing gift for understanding scriptures and he definitely has a very close, personal, intimate relationship with our Savior. Our church recently started putting our sermons on itunes and every week I wait in anticipation for the more recent one to come out so I can listen to it again, each time I realize something else that I didn't on Sunday morning. I can learn so much by listening and learning from what God is speaking through him, it is amazing.
So there you go, my three, simple steps. I'll try and keep you all updated on how this is going through-out this year. :)
What about you? Did you make any new, New Year's resolutions?

I made pretty much the same resolution you did haha. =)
ReplyDeleteGet a better relationship with the Lord...
And then also actually finish a book this year.