Wednesday, December 9, 2009

12-9-09:Snow day and daddy's b-day!

Normally, I don't post twice a day... but today I had too!
It snowed like crazy last night. And, since we live out in the country, it's really, really windy out. So, we have snow everywhere.
I'm home schooled, so it doesn't affect me sadly, I still have to do all my school work, but my brothers who go to a private school don't have school. Lucky ducks. (Jk, I don't mind school that much)
And... it would also by my daddy's birthday! :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!
And, as tradition, me and my brothers set up our Christmas tree this morning. (Yes, it's fake... my mom and I are allergic to pine. :( ) For the last four years now we've set up the Christmas tree on my daddy's birthday before he gets home from work. Normally we get the lights and ornaments on too, but this year all our lights don't work, so we have to wait and do that part when he gets home and fixes them. :D
Well, that's all... I'm going to go break out my skis! Have a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow lot of snow! lucky anyway, my dad's birthday is today too, December 9th! Unfortunately the bug was going around and he caught it! And on his birthday :( Anyway have a fun day! Happy Birthday Kayla's dad
