Monday, December 14, 2009

12-14-09:A Christmas Tag

One of my friends tagged me... kinda, she says that anyone who already has their tree up should do this... so that'd be me! <3

1.Do you believe Jesus is the reason for the season? Completely!

2. Have you ever been in a Christmas Play? Yuppers

3.What is your favorite thing you get in you stocking? Jewelery

4. What is your best Christmas memory? Um, probably last Christmas eve I played my harp at my church's Christmas eve service.

5. What is your favorite Christmas beverage? A vanilla latte with whip cream and peppermint shavings on top

6. What do you put on your tree top? An angel most of the time, a few years we had a star,

7. Where do you get your tree? I don't remember. It's not real and we've had it for a long time...

8. Do you go somewhere for Christmas or do you host? Most of the time we go to someone Else's house.

9. Do you have any traditions? We always put up our tree on my daddy's birthday, Dec. 9th

10. How much do you like Christmas? LOTS!! It's my favorite holiday!

11. What do you do on Christmas Eve? go to a service, either at our church or my grandparents and open family gifts.

12. What do you do on Christmas Day? (At my grandparents house) Wake up, go downstairs and have coffee with papa(My grandpa)wait for everyone else to get up, make pancake breakfast with cousins and papa, go downstairs again(The basement) and open Santa gifts.

13. What is your favorite Christmas song? Last Christmas or Carol of the bells

14. What do you really want for a gift this year? Another set of breeches and half chaps!

15. Favorite treat? Chocolate mint bars

16. Do you usually have a white Christmas? YES! Almost every year, sometimes our weather is stubborn...

17. How long did you believe in Santa Clause? I never did. It scared me to death of the thought of a stranger coming in our house at night so my parents told me that Santa didn't exist just so I would be able to sleep. I never believed in the tooth fairy(I had a tooth daddy) or Easter bunny either.

18. Who's your favorite reindeer? Rudolph!

19. The Christmas present you always wanted but never got? A horse

20. Last one. What is the best thing about Christmas to you? The fact that our savior was born on that day, it's very surreal.

I tag....

Anyone who has heard the twelve days of Christmas song!

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