Wednesday, December 9, 2009

12-9-09: I got tagged

I got tagged by my good friend Monica. :D

1. Six names you go by:

1. Kayla

2. Kay

3. Birdie

4. Rosebud

5. Kay Kay

6. Horse girl (On my blogs)

2. 3 things you are wearing right now:

1. jeans

2. my Disney sweatshirt

3. a brown tank under my sweatshirt

3. 3 things you want very badly right now:

1. to be riding

2. to be with friends


4. Three things that you did last night/yesterday:

1. sleep

2. watched Mrs. Miracle

3. homework

5. Two things that you ate today:

1. apple

2. noodles

6. Two people you last talked to on the phone:

1. no one

2. no one

7. Two things that you are going to do today/tomorrow:

1. RIDE!!!!!!

2. Homework

8. Your three favorite beverages:

1. Water

2. Doctor Pepper (DP)

3. hot Tea

Now tag 8 people:

Anyone who reads my blog.

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