Friday, April 1, 2011

4-1-11: Pictures!

Hello! Happy April First! Anyone doing any pranking today??? I'm not... but I don't think that is going to stop my bros, they are all acting a little suspicious today... :-/

But getting to my point, here are some pictures from my Jamaica trip!

Sorry, I couldn't get this one to flip :P But aren't they adorable?! ♥

This is the view from my room at the second hotel(beaches resort) we stayed at.

This is a view from dinner our first night in Jamaica!!! Beautiful isn't it???? ♥♥♥♥

My lunch on the airplane... not very healthy but oh well... it was yummy :)

So, at our first hotel there were these gorgeous flowers and this is my attempt at a quick edit... I kept the colors the same, other than the black and white so they really were this pink :D

So yeah, there are a few pictures... I'll get around to posting more but yeah. :D Have a great April Fools!

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