Friday, May 7, 2010

5-7-10: I really dislike this thing called...


Have you ever had it? Do you know what it is like when you have all these completely AMAZING ideas in your head, yet somehow... they are stuck, and cannot get out onto your paper or computer screen?
OR the other version of writers block, which I am currently battling with, is when your brain is COMPLETELY empty... and no matter what you do, (search fb flair, play solitar, chat with friends, sing, ect.) you just cannot think of ANYTHING!!!!!
It is the most frustrating feeling that I have ever had in my life. Writing is such a HUGE part of my life, so when I can't... it's like part of me isn't working. Which... just doesn't feel right.
Here is a part from one of my books that I'm currently working on(well... not currently, currently... writer's block is E.V.I.L >:P) about just this...

Nicole let out a sigh as she stared at the blank screen. The blinking of the cursor mocking her empty mind.
It was just after ten o’clock and Nikki had been staring at that lap top screen for over two hours, she’d played numerous games of solitaire, searched through facebook flair, and even read a few blog posts. But she just couldn’t write anything more than the title.
“Come on Nicole, you’re a writer! You can, you have to write something!” Nicole shouted at herself in the quietness of her bedroom.
Setting the lap top down next to her on the bed, Nicole walked into the bathroom and splashed some cold water on her face, sometimes the technique worked.

Nicole/Nikki is the main character, she's a famous, teen author with several published books... and now, she's working on her next best seller. The only problem, she has writer's block.

Imagine it like this....
You're riding along on your horse, and you can see this AMAZING field in front of you, filled with golden prairie grass, beautiful flowers, in all the colors of the rainbow,and it just looks like complete and udder paradise.
So you speed up, you're now galloping at top speed, you must reach that field. And then... out of the blue, right as you're on a top speed role... a gigantic brick wall, over a thousand feet tall and wide, in forced with steal rods, drops from the sky and lands right in front of that beautiful paradise. There is no WAY you can get over that wall, or around it, you cannot even see the top or the end... it seems to go on forever. You're suddenly feel so small, and so helpless. Then the sun goes behind one of those dark, spooky rain clouds. It's nearly pitch black out, you can hardly see your hand in front of your face.
THAT my dear readers... is writer's block, or... a brain black-out, whatever you like to call it... it is horrible, and one of the worst things ever.
Now, how do you get over this mental brick wall? Could you scale it? Not a chance, it is smoother than glass. Could you break it down? Maybe... if you had a HUGE recking ball... and even then it would take days to remove all of the pieces.
SO HOW do you get rid of it?
My solution that I have found the most affective... is to just leave the brick wall alone for a day or so, completely leave. Go, ride away on your horse back away from that wall and stay away for at least a day...
And (I still question how this works btw), then... after a good night's sleep, and a few great dreams, head back to that mental brick wall... and(For me... it is different for many people) you just might find... that the sun has come out and those spooky, black clouds have turned into those pretty, white ones that look like cotton candy and bunnies(=D) and that, that brick wall you left there the day before, has now disappeared into thin air, and that field of wonders... is right there waiting for you and your horse to gallop into it, and take on everything it has to offer.
So yes... Writer's Block may be a pain in the brain when you have it, and you might not want to leave that empty page for even a second... it is definitely a good idea to just... walk away.
I'm guessing you guys might want to know what happened to Nikki's writer's block huh? Okay, okay... here is what happened...

“I finished the first chapter!”
“You did? Just last night? I thought you had,” Brandi nearly spit out her orange juice as her best friend shared the news.
“Don’t say it, or I will.” Nicole reminded her friend, who only nodded and then swallowed the rest of her juice.
“How many pages?”
“How long were you up?!” Brandi couldn’t believe it, when she’d gone to bed just before ten, Nicole couldn’t write a thing, and now here she was, telling her she’d just written a twelve page chapter?!
“Until almost three, but Brandi I cannot tell you how excited I was!”

So yes... a happy ending for my lovely main character Nicole, let's only hope there will be one for me in the next few days and the rest of my characters...=D

Have a wonderful week-end!

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