Monday, February 6, 2012

2-6-12: Movie Mondays

Happy Monday everyone!! Ready for another Movie Monday??? I am!!

This weeks featured movie is...(drum roll please!)
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Love's Unfolding Dream!!
  I'm a huge, huge fan of this movie series, but I'm also a lover of the book series. Though, lets get one think straight right off... the films and the books are NOT the same. So, if you've read this book, don't expect the movie to follow the same story. Though they hold similarities, they are very different.

Belinda, the beautiful, smart, kindhearted daughter of Missie and her second husband, Zach wants nothing more than to be a doctor and to care for the sick. But, in her day, women aren't exactly known for being in this profession. Though, she's not letting that stop her, Belinda believes with all her heart and soul that her loving Savior is calling her to this field, so she is currently working along side her town's slightly old fashioned doctor, Dr. Jackson.
   But, things start to take a turn when two people arrive in town. An elderly woman who's had a stroke, and a young lawyer who is only there to fix up his late uncle's farm and sell it. And of course, both become a part of Miss Belinda, and vise versa, in no time at all.
   Mrs. Stafford-Smith is an extremely stubborn old woman who doesn't like to listen to anyone, and she's not used to the small town's "way of life". But, Miss. Belinda isn't going to give up that easily on her newest patient, not even when the extremely handsome lawyer, Drew Simpson is vying for her attention.
   Belinda knows what her heart and her head want... but with all these newcomers, does she really?

Why Should You See It: It is a really great story! I can't get over how incredibly strong Belinda's faith is. She believes without the shadow of a doubt that God is always there for anyone who is willing to accept it. She loves her Savior, and that is evident in everything she does. If you get anything out of this film, it would be inspiration to have a faith like young Belinda.
Oh, and if you happen to be a romantic like me, there is the super sweet romance between Belinda and Drew :) And, if you are big on women's rights, Belinda is dead-set on becoming a doctor, even when it wasn't exactly socially acceptable.

Why Shouldn't You See It: A man isn't very happy when his wife and son are learning to read, but it is just his pride talking, a man has to undergo a dangerous surgery, and a woman has a stroke, and a little girl faces death. Though, I wouldn't normally list these under reasons why not to see a film, but they are the only negatives I can think of.

My Rating: 4.5/5, and I only give it that because there is some slightly darker sides that young children probably shouldn't see.
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But, like always, don't take it from me! Rent this movie and see for yourself!

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