Friday, July 8, 2011

7-8-11: Four days late...

SO, I feel really, really, really, really, really, really, really terrible about this. Our nation's Independence day was just the other day, and well... I forgot to post :( BUT today I'm going to be doing an extra long post to attempt to make up for it :)

All gave some, but some gave all

Freedom never comes Free

America, Home of the Free
Because of the Brave

So, the main reason why I didn't post on my absolute favorite Holiday(after Christmas... it is really hard to beat out my Savior's birthday) was because I wasn't near a computer. I woke up early to walk in a parade(pictures below) and then after that my aunt picked me up, taking me to our annual 4th of July party/papa's birthday party. My fam was already there, so I had to hitch a ride from someone else :)
And then, when I did finally get home, I couldn't keep my eyes open. I don't remember anything after turning off my light. I slept through a firework war(Our neighborhood and the two across the street were seeing who could have the biggest show) and booming music across the street(late-night party). Apparently the house even shook... good thing a bomb didn't go off right?? lol

My summer has really started to get on a roll now :) I also just got back from my mission trip!!! It was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did not want to leave :'( I did cry... and I'm still wearing my red bracelet. (If any of you have ever done TeenServe before, you'll know what I mean... and if not, it is like a water park wrist band thingy... it lets ppl know that I'm with TeenServe)

But currently I do have a small break :) Though in just a few weeks I'll be teaching VBS at my church! I'm excited to see just what God has planned this year!

Alright, so here are some pictures from the 4th, and there is one from my mission trip(sorry ppl, I didn't get around to taking pictures...)

The Giant Fish!(Not a whale... the tale is turned the wrong way)

Leaving FOR the parade(Carpool!!)

Half day! On Wednesday we only worked until just after noon, then, for a few hours we got to go hang out with our youth groups! It was a blast and definitely a highlight of the trip :)

Oh, and one more thing... here is my Top-Twelve Patriotic Playlist :) (Not in any order)
  1. Old Glory - Phil Stacy
  2. If You're Reading This - Tim McGraw
  3. Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning) - Alan Jackson
  4. Just a Dream - Carrie Underwood
  5. Soldiers & Jesus - James Otto
  6. Real - James Wesley
  7. All American Girl - Carrie Underwood
  8. I will Not Say Goodbye - Danny Gokey
  9. He Ain't the Leavin' Kind - Rascal Flatts
  10. Made in America - Toby Keith
  11. American Solider - Toby Keith
  12. God Bless the USA - Lee Greenwood

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