Sunday, October 11, 2009

My thoughts: Famous Failures...

Okay SOOO sorry this took forever to get on here, I've been busy all week trying to pack for our Disney trip.
Watch this video quick, it's only 1 minute and 39 seconds. Then, scroll down for some of my thoughts on what I took from this video...


Okay, now that you've watched the video, I'm (hopefully!) not going to bore you to death.

First off, what this video says at the end is true. And I think that it definatly proves a point. If you've never failed... you've never lived. Well some of you may be thinking "I haven't failed, yet I'm a living-human-being!" But that's not what this video means, not breathing living, going out into the world and showing people your colors! If you're afraid to fail, then you will most likely never try anything new. Now, a few people who know me... might be thinking "she shouldn't be talking" and I shouldn't really. For the past years in my life, I've honestly been afraid to try almost anything I haven't already. No roller costers, no away or day camps, no talking to people I don't know, answering questions asked about God and/or school work... stuff like this. But... this past year (2009) I've come out of my shell a lot I think personally. I went on a mission trip, I went to zoo camp, on my mission trip, I talked with people that back home I wouldn't have even come close too! Now, I've talked and told people about my faith, and got 30 out of 33 on my science test! And now on my vacation to WDW... I am going to brave the rollar costers! I promise to tell you guys all about them too. :D
But this is getting off topic. So let's swerve back...
I was afraid of failures and regections. So, instead of taking the chance of getting hurt... I ignored the entire events! I missed out on soo much! I only wished I wouldn't have been afraid of failure and lived sooner. But, past is the past, and now that I've started to over come these fears, I've enjoyed life so much more!

Here is some stuff on the video.

Lucille Ball: One of the best actresses of all time! She was told that she was too shy, and wasn't going anywhere... but she didn't give up. She wasn't afraid to fail, and look where it got her. Don't be afraid.

Michael Jordan: Uh hello? Almost everyone knows this name belongs to one of the best basket ball players of all time! But yet he was told in high school that he wasn't good enough and was cut from the basket ball team. He locked himself in his bedroom and cried! But, he didn't give up... he went back out there and tried his best, yes... he might fail, but he wasn't afraid. And look where it got him? Do not be afraid to fail... no matter where you are in life. (Expecially High school and Middle school)

Walt Disney: Okay, this one was almost too hard to believe! Honestly? Walt Disney... told he wasn't creative or original?! And had NO imagination?!?!?!?! Hello? the man created things that no one thought was possible! If you were told this, wouldn't you give up? I probably would, but Walt didn't. He didn't care about failure... he knew that it might come, but he was willing to try his best. And look where he ended up, wouldn't you have liked to meet the person who told Walt that he didn't have any imagination? I would have! AFTER of course, Walt Disney World became a fanatic. Don't be afraid to go after your dreams, don't be afraid to fail.

If you haven't failed, you've never lived. Do you think these three amazing people would agree with this statement? I do. Now, let's see what the bible says about failure...

*1 Thessalonians 2:1-3
You know, brothers, that our visit to you was not a failure. We had previously suffered and been insulted in Philippi, as you know, but with the help of our God we dared to tell you his gospel in spite of strong opposition. For the appeal we make does not spring from error or impure motives, nor are we trying to trick you.

Here, Paul is speaking to a group of people, telling them that stuff that you've done, that might be seen as a failure to others, God can turn into sucsess. I'd say that God did this with all three people we've metioned above, and the others in the video. Why don't you just right now... sit there and pray. Ask God to help you not be afraid to fail, and to live for him. Don't be afraid to fail when serving God... go full out, and God will use you in amazing ways.

That's all for today, sorry again that it took so long to get this post on here!


*scripture provided by, Video provided by

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