Monday, October 12, 2009


Guess what guys?!?!?! It's snowing here! I can't even see the grass anymore! I'm so excited! I wish I could go skiing... but we're busy packing, I'm just now getting a break to type up this post, and I thought all my readers would love to hear about this wonderfully wonderful news! YIPPEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOPEFULLY (And that's a big hopefully) I'll start posting on my travel blog tonight when we arrive in Florida. But, if I don't have any internet connection then I'll start on Tuesday. I will not be posting on this blog until I get back. So... if you plan on hearing from me... PLEASE check my other blog, and if you don't have the URL... I'll give it to you now...

Yes... this means I will not be posting any My Thoughts Columns for the next few weeks. Please note though, when I do get back... I will be posting which movie I picked for my review and the review. Also, the week after we get back... I will start back up my normal blogging on this blog. :D

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