Saturday, August 29, 2009


Hey, sorry I haven't blogged in a long time, but like I've said before, I have a super busy summer.
I finished zoo camp a few weeks ago. It was lots of fun and I met some great people! I also got to learn a lot about the animals at the zoo and howthey take care of them. It's more comlicated than you think. lol.
I can't believe that my birthday is coming around the corner! It's so scary!
We're having a huge family party coming in September, two of my brother's have September birthdays too. Then right after that (Same day) we're having a house warming party. I also start taking a few math, Science and Spanish classes at a church that holds classes for homeschoolers. I'm not sure If I'm excited about that or not, but it's only one day a week... so it's not that bad.
We're really getting moved in to our new house. I love it so much! It's so big! Anf our neighborhood is great.
Hope ya'll have a great rest of your summers!

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