Saturday, May 7, 2011


Okay... country music stars are officially the most incredible people on earth. I normally don't like to post video after video, but this time I seriously couldn't help it.
Some of you may have heard of the new show, CMT's next superstar. I'm not the biggest fan to be honest, it's a little cheesy for my taste, but last night's episode brought me to tears!
The contestants got to witness the coming home of soldiers that had been away for twelve months(!). And then, after that they had to write a song about their experience with the soldiers and their families. What they came up with was just incredible, but one song really stood out for me, and I'm not sure if it just has to do with that at one point and time, I was in the same position the song describes(my daddy was in the Navy for 8 years, three and a half of those I was alive), or just the powerful emotion the song brings.
So here it is, please enjoy!

If you love this song as much as I do, you can download it on itunes!! Just search for either Andrea Pearson or Keeper of the Stars. :D

Have a fantastic week-end and do not forget to do something special for your mothers tomorrow!

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