Saturday, November 13, 2010

11-13-10: SNOW!!!!!

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!!!!!!!!!
Yes, it did snow last night! Imagine my excitment when I woke up to find the ground covered with snow and huge flakes falling from the sky! (I was very excited! lol)
I ran downstairs and raced to find my snow clothes and skis.(Okay... confession time... I sent my bro up into the attic to get my boots and skis... it is scary up there!!)
I went sledding with my little sis and had a snowball fight with my bros and one of their friends. I'd forgotton how much fun they were. :D :D
Here are some pictures of our first snow of the year!!(I think we got between 6 and 8 inches)

Yes... it is just barely 32 outside so our snow is very wet... :(

BUT! The wet snow was great for making a snowman!! :D

Isn't it pretty?? :)

Well, I should go back outside and enjoy the wonderful snow, have a great day!! Here is a song to leave you with... :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow your just lucky you GET snow in your backyard lol!
    I have to drive an hour to get to it! x) Well the one year I was especially lucky it actually had a sleety snowfall lol. It didn't cover the ground, but boy was it fun having a slushy snowball fight with my family!
    That was like 2 years ago too haha.
