Tuesday, August 31, 2010

8-31-10: Taylor Swift's new song, Mine!!!!!!!!

Hey everyone!
Well, I'm not sure about you, but I am a HUGE Taylor Swift fan. I absolutely LOVE her music and was more than a little excited when I first heard her new song on the radio a few weeks back.
And then... her video came out!!! (Yeah, I'll admit it... I jumped up and down and screamed. lol)
I love the video, I think it is super sweet just like the song, so here it is my readers, Taylor Swift's new music video... Mine!

Have a lovely rest of your week!


  1. that made my heart go "awww!!" lol
    I hadn't seen the video until now, soooo cute though! :D I hope Ms. Taylor get's married and has kids someday, that would be so amazing... :)

  2. Thanks so much for following my blog!!! btw - did you know that Olive Tree from Of Horsefeathers blog is in this video?
