Monday, February 1, 2010


Hey Everyone! It's the first day of February! I cannot believe that the first month of 2010 has already sped by... it's just really weird how time can fly.

In this up coming month of February, I've got a lot going on, here are just a few...

*WOW (Youth group rocks!)
*Horse Back Riding (Equally rocks!) (Sometimes literally, lol)
*Going up to the cabin!! (Miles and miles of ski trails, yippee!)
*A youth conference w/ some of my bffs

And plenty more, those are just the really exciting stuff. LOL

Also, in this past month of January, I kept myself pretty busy as well.
Those books that I posted earlier about? Well... most of them are either at their half way point or father, I'll continue to keep you updated on them. :D
And... I've also started another book (I know, I'm crazy... but just wait it's a good one) it is the sequel to my book A Guarded Heart! I'm super excited about this book, and am already 11 chapters into it. It's only the first draft, so there is a lot of work going into it at the moment, but... I can just tell it's going to be on my top five favorite books I've ever written list. :D :D :D
Well, that's about it for today, I've gotta go get back to writing! See Yah!

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