Thursday, January 21, 2010


Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't written in like forever! But, I've been keeping busy. =]
Youth group is back! Finally! It felt like ages since I was back in the youth room! Uh! (Even though it was only like, 3 weeks... it literally felt like 8 months, horrible, long months.) We've been doing a study called Dare to be Daniel. It's a lot of fun and I'm learning a lot. Also, I've really focused on applying what I'm learning into my life this year, it's tricky... but when I do actually remember to apply it, I get all happy. lol
This week was Dare to be His Disciple. We learned about what it means to be a follower of God, and that it's not just obeying God, doing everything he asks when he asks, telling others about him, spreading his love, it's also learning as we go along through life. I guess I knew that already, but I needed to be reminded of that.
We also talked a lot on the fact that our actions speak louder than our words. So, if we act like Jesus did when he was on earth, act like a true, God fearing Christian, it will make others wonder why we're so different, more even than, if we talk about God. (Which does help too... Paul made that perfectly clear too)
Well, if I continued to type about this study, you'd be reading for like the next two weeks (lol) so, I'm just going to give you the website address so you can check it out for yourselves! I'd definatly consider telling your own youth pastors about this study, and ask them if you can do it too. It's really life changing.
( For some reason, blogger is not letting me make this a link, sorry! =[ )
Have a great week!

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