Monday, November 23, 2009

11-23-09:Marie Sandvik Center

EEEP! I had the most fun I've had since the mission trip this past sunday last night!!!!!

The High school youth group and some of us 8th graders all went to the Marie Sandvik center last night to help serve dinner and get meals ready for thanksgiving. The Marie Sandvik center is sort of like a soup kitchen, but they do way more. They have a chapel service, serve food and they have a food shelf.

Well, now I'm going to get into what I did last night.
Last night, me and my friend Bulleh were in charge of getting a group of us teenagers to sing in the chapel service. At first, I felt like fainting. I am SCARED TO DEATH of singing in front of people. But, once we were up there... it wasn't all that bad. :D
We got about eight people to sing with us, and only one guy sang with us the entire time. (We teased them all later, saying that they were all too chicken to sing in front of people, they of course said that that wasn't true at all, but we so knew it was, lol!) Eventually, two more guys joined us, so a total of like ten or eleven of us sang for an hour. My voice was pretty much gone by the end of the night. :D
I also helped set up some of the food shelf and take out the garabage... which was more fun that you would think. :D

By the end of the night we were all laughing our head off, and I'm pretty sure the regular workers thought we were all slap happy or somethin', but we reallly enjoyed ourselves.
I know what you're thinking right now... really silly night, but we totally had loads of fun, and were so surprised about how easy it was too...
Well, I gotta go work on some school... but I hope you all have a great day!

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