Well, the title of this blog is called A Day in MY life, so I guess I should tell you about MY life, as in... what makes me tick. :)
The six basic things that make my life are...
1. God/My personal faith
2. Friends
3. Horses
4. Writing
5. Music
6. Family
Now, I'm just going to break those things down...
1. God/My personal faith
I try my hardest everyday to make sure God stays at the top of my life. He's definitely the most important part, so obviously should be at the top.
You have all heard me tell you over and over again how much I luv my youth group and my church. They are amazing and I just couldn't live without them. God definitely knew what he was doing when he moved my family to our current church family. :D
I believe that God has a wonderful and amazing plan for my life. I have a pretty good idea what that might be, but I'm not going to keep my ideas from letting God do what he wants with my life.
My faith is definitely top priority in my life. I try my hardest to put that into everything I do. My writing, the activities I do, the friends I have, the books I read, I do my best to make sure all of it is Christian based.(And believe me, it's not easy in this world we live in today)
My Sunday school leader once told it to me like this,
Imagine your life like a bike tire. the hub is in the middle, that is your core, your soul, and all those little spokes are all the things that make up your life(what makes you tick).
That hub is God, the part of your life he holds. So, what happens if that hub is off-centered? What will the bike wheel do?(just imagine your bike having square tires... yeah, doesn't work does it.)
If God isn't at the center of your life, then your life is not going to be smooth. Sure, we all hit those bumps in the road, and sometimes, some of them are rougher than others. But, we can always get back up and ride again(after getting patched up) because the hub stayed in the center.
2. Friends
We've all got at least one(GOD!!!). =D And, I've been blessed with several.
I don't really know where I'd be without my friends, they're amazing and I love them so much. They all play a part in my life and I cannot even start to imagine my life without any one of them. :) A saying that I think of a lot when my friends come to mind would have to be,
You're the peanut to my butter
You're the star to my burst
You're the pop to my tart
You're the fruit to my loop
But most importantly,
You're the best to my friend. ♥
Oh horses...:D Another HUGE chunk of my life. :)
The first time I rode a real horse(not one of those over-weight ponies that some teen is paid to walk around in a circle while you sit there on it's back going snail speed as your parents shout, "Be careful! Don't lean over to the side too far!") was in Argentina, in the mountains(I do not suggest this as a first time ride). Our path was like, two feet wide at the most and one side was just, more mountain and the other was a straight drop(probably WAY over 800 feet down)
to the lake and sharp rocks. (Yeah, I cried.)
But that was NOT my last time on a horse, I know it's kinda weird to say... but it actually make me love horses more. My horse got me out of that dangerous, scary place and back home safely! After that, I fell in L.O.V.E!!!!
I've now been riding for about four years. I couldn't even begin to imagine my life without horses... that would be a sad life, that's all I can say.
4. Writing
Ohh.... writing......
Well, what can I say? In my writing, I live in another world. I escape from reality and become a different person for just, a few hours or even just a few minutes.
I started writing actual stories back when I was probably eight or so. Those are just completely horrible let me state that right now. I shudder every time I read some of my first works.
But I think I really got into writing when I was probably 12 or so, maybe 13. I just love it so much.
Writing is as much a part of my life as breathing is. I need to do it, it's a therapy, it's part of what makes me tick. :)
5. Music
Of course! Music is a huge part of my life!
I play the harp, as I'm sure you've read before and I really enjoy it. I've been playing for about, three years now I think, and before that I played the piano for four years I'm pretty sure. And, I've been singing since I could talk(Though, now I pretty much only do it when I'm alone, I've got MAJOR stage fright, even when I'm not on stage!!)
Music is something that soothes me, I am almost always listening to music(I am right now, lol). Whether it be the radio or a CD, or a music video... I'm constantly listening to music.
I really enjoy Christian contemporary/rock the most I'd have to say(just check out my song selections for this blog, lol) but I also really enjoy new country. Especially Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood, Julianne Hough, Rascal Flatts, those are just a few of the names I enjoy =) .
This is SOOO true. Lol
And last, but not least...
My family is made up of 7 people. I'm the eldest of five, and yeah, it has it's ups and downs... but most of the time it's enjoyable.
I do love my parents and my siblings, they're all great and amazing people. :D
So yeah, that's what makes me tick... God/faith, friends, horses, writing, music, and family. Six, simple things that make up my life.
Have a wonderful day!

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