Sunday, November 1, 2009

My Thoughts... On writing

Hi everyone one! So sorry it took me a few days to get this on, I'm not doing a very good job at this, anyway... this week I'll be sharing my thoughts on writing.

As many of you know, I'm an avid writer, I've never published any of my books before, though lately I have consider it. I've posted segments in the past of two of my books, here are the links...

A Guarded Heart

A Summer to Remember

Anyway, writing is a therapy for me. I know, that sounds really weird and kinda awkward... but it's true. And it's really fun. And easy once you find a subject that sticks. Here are the steps I used when I first started writing...

Find the subject:
I tried SOOOOO many different topics. I tried dancing, singing, acting, fashion, adventure, action, mystery... and none of those books got finished. My heart wasn't in them. Then I started with horses. HA! Guess how many books I've written and finished that involve horses just this passed year? FOUR! Yup... four books, it really helps to write about a subject you enjoy, then you'll want to finish it!

While writing...
I never let myself write for more than two hours. Other wise, you ramble on and on... this helps keep that to a minimum. Also, I'd carry around note books and pens (You should SEE my purse!)and while at the mall, just jot down the ideas. This really helped for when I got back to writing, I could incorporate those ideas.
KEEP ON ONE TOPIC! If you start to linger off the main topic of the book too much, you're going to have people loose interest. Sure, now and then you can put in something random, just to keep them guessing... but it really helped my to stay on one topic.

Get opinions!...
When I finished my first book, I gave a few copies to my closest friends and had them read it... then they gave me their opinions. This really helped me with my later drafts.

And from there on I pretty much repeated the process with other books.

Have you ever wanted to be a princess? Or maybe the super smart best friend? How about the richest person in the world? Amazing, well known singer/actor/actress?? Or maybe the family dog. In writing, you can be whoever you want to be!!! Most of the time, I'm the main character... but sometimes I'm the really funny best friend, or even someone who makes a quick appearance. It varies with each book.

See, writing is amazing... I encourage everyone to try it. You don't have to write a 200 plus page novel (Though if you do... that's awesome!!!!!!!!!!) it could be a five page story, whatever you like... just remember to make it your own and enjoy it.

See you all next week!

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