Saturday, September 26, 2009

9-26-09:Another book clip

This is a clip from another one of my books, A Guarded Heart, leave me a comment and tell me if you like it!

“We’re now landing in Cheyenne Wyoming. Please be carful as you leave this aircraft and have a wonderful stay, in the Cowboy State.” Maddie rolled her eyes and stood. She grabbed her small, carry-on and then her purse. While letting a man in a dark brown business suit pass by, Maddie applied some lip gloss onto her thin lips.
“I could have sworn this was coconut.” After a few other strangers passed by, Maddie was finally able to step out into the long isle and out of the stuffy plane.
Maddie soon made her way to the luggage claim, remembering where it was from the year before and wasted no time finding her hot pink over sized suit case.
“Hello Madison. Have you arrived yet?”
“Yeah, I’m waiting with my luggage at the airport. Is Hank picking me up?”
“Not this time, his nephew is staying with him for awhile as well. And Hank had him drive out. He knows who you are, just look for a boy, about of 5’11 in jeans and cowboy boots.”
“Alright grandma,” Not saying that that described more than half of the people standing by her at the moment. But hoped her grandma was right, and her ride would know her.
“Miss. Parker?”
“Hi… I’m Derek Malone. Can I help you with your bags?”
“Uh sure, thanks.” Maddie stared at the boy, his blondish hair was barely visible with is large, cowboy hat. He had hazel eyes, just like Maddie’s grandma’s work hand and his skin was just as tanned as her own.
“So, my uncle tells me that you’ve visited ‘fore?”
“Uh… yeah, every year since I was seven.”
“Which would be… if you don’t mind my askin’?”
“I don’t and ten years.”
“So you know that it’s a three hour drive from here to your grandma’s ranch?”
“Four when Hank drives.” Derek laughed as they climbed into the old, rusty and well passed it’s time pick-up and drove out of the Cheyenne Airport parking lot.
“So, what’s your favorite park about commin’ here all these years?”
“Normally it’s been getting away from the large California crowds… but this year… I’m leaving painful memories behind, and hoping to forget them.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, like I said, I’m hopin’ to forget all about ‘em. Well, at least one.” Derek nodded as he turned down a familiar street. He’d driven in the capital many times before already that year. And nearly knew it like the back of his hand.
“Your grandma tells me you ride?”
“Oh yeah, I love riding. Out here I ride either Sugar or Diablo, and back home I ride my horse, Coco.”
“Wow, Diablo?”
“Yeah, does that surprise you?” Maddie suddenly put her guard on. If this boy didn’t think she could handle a Friesian stallion, he had another thing coming.
“No, well kinda. When your grandma said her granddaughter from L.A was coming for a visit, I just thought you’d be a city slicker.”
“Oh? And do I look like a “city slicker’” to you?” Derek had to admit, she didn’t looked like he’d imagined. Her brown hair was natural, not something he’d thought of, her tan skin was not something he’d expected and her boot-cut jeans and sweatshirt were defiantly not what he’d expected.
“So, you say you have your own horse?”
“Yeah, Coco. He’s an Andalusian gelding. Almost completely white, a few grey speckles here and there, and he has one black sock.”
“Sounds pretty.”
“He is, my mom calls him pretty boy. That’s actually his real name. His barn name is Coco.” Derek laughed and Maddie joined. They talked about horses for the rest of their drive out to the remote town of Jester Creek… home of only one hundred and three people.
“Madison! Oh it’s wonderful to see you again. Come, give me a hug.” Maddie ran over to her grandmother, dropping her purse on the large brown couch as she passed by.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too Grandma. How are you?”
“I’m wonderful. The Ranch is doing so fine with Hank and now Derek working on it.”
“I bet. Derek told me that he was doing his last year of school here in town.”
“Yup, that he is. And I’m so glad, Hank is wonderful… but he’s not a young colt anymore.” The two women laughed and Hank came in from the kitchen.
“I heard that you two.”
“Hank!” Maddie rushed over to the old cowboy and hugged him tight.
“Hey there girlie, I missed you. So did Sugar.”
“I bet, I’ll come out and see her as soon as I take my stuff to my room.”
“I can do that for yeah,” Maddie turned to see Derek come in the screen door. Maddie made a mental note that it was still as squeaky as ever.
“No thanks, I want to unpack some of it anyway. Is my stuff that I left last year still there?”
“Yup; and, there is a small surprise in there for yeah too.”
“Okay,” Maddie ran up the stairs, hot pink suit case in tow and rounded the corner to find her bedroom...

So that's all I'm gonna give you for now, have a great day!

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