Tuesday, September 15, 2009

9-15-09: Book Clip

Okay, some of you know that I luv writing. It's total therapy for me. And, I just thought that maybe you all would like to get a glimse of some of my writing! I'm giving you a small section of my first book in a series I've been writing for almost a year now. Here you go......

A few people had arrived, the Sheppard’s were all there along with Teddy, Paul and his family were there, and the rest of Talia's family, were also there.
"Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle. Is that Talia?"
"Hey daddy! You like?"
"Are you kidding? I love your outfit! I didn't buy that for you."
"Nope, Courtney is letting me borrow it."
"You look nice too Jenna."
"Thank-you Mrs. Richards. Your daughter does wonders with hair and make-up."
"Hey sport, is that you under all that girlie stuff, or Katie?"
"Justin... don't push it."
"I'm sorry, you look really nice."
"Thanks cowboy, didn't think I could wear a dress?"
"Never said that."
Justin walked over and gave his sister a big hug that lifted her off her feet.
Soon almost everyone in town was there and all the women were setting out food and putting some away for later. Courtney, Talia and Jenna had walked down to where almost all the horses had been set out in the pasture. The sat on the rails and watched them run after each other.
Courtney's mom had snuck away and took their picture. It was a very picture worthy moment. They never saw her which she was glad of.
"Hey, there's Kale!"
"And Cobalt."
"I think that's Francesca. I placed her out there when I got here."
"Yeah, that's her."
"Hey guys."
"Oh hey Rachel! You look pretty."
"Not as pretty as you three. You're the talk of the party. Everyone keeps saying that you look like angels."
"Well, your white Capri's and red halter make you look like a princess."
"Thanks, have you seen my brother?"
"Right here sis, wow. You three look amazing... I mean very pretty... I mean... uh."
"It's okay Tyler, we knew what you meant."
"Okay good. Someone was asking for your Courtney, I'm not sure who it was though."
"Oh, okay. I'll go right up. Can you give me a hand down though, I don't want to jump."
"Sure, here."
He held out his hand and let her hop down. She winced but walked up to the house.
"She doesn't show emotion very easily does she?"
"Nope, never has. I've known her almost my whole life and she never gave into anything."
They followed her up to the house and saw that it was her youth pastor.
"You didn't know Paul?"
"He has shoulder length brown hair... how do you forget him?!"
"I don't know. Don't you text Jen?"
"No, I don't have a cell."
"Oh, sorry." Courtney rolled her eyes and walked over to Paul.
"You look very pretty today; I haven't seen you in a dress since... you were two."
"Ha, yeah it has been a long time. I wear skirts mostly to church and other things."
"But you look very pretty. My sons all said you were the prettiest girl at the party."
Courtney laughed, Josh and Luke were four year old twin boys. They had a younger brother Arthur but, he was only one.
"Tell them thank-you, I think I'm going to get something to eat."
"Okay, bye!'
Courtney got in the long food line behind Brandon who was behind his older sister Ashley.
"Hey Bandon."
"Oh hey Courtney, have you met my older sister Ashley?"
"No I haven’t, hi."
"Well, hello. How old are you?"
"Ah, I'm twenty-two. I'm just home for this week from college. I have a condo closer to it. I'm studying to be a vet."
"Really? SO is my brother. What college are you going to?"
"I'm going to U of Tennessee. I have been for awhile now and I only have two years left."
"You’re kidding,"
Courtney placed some tuna salad on her plate before she said anything more.
"My brother goes there and he only has two years left too! Maybe you know him? Justin Richards?"
"Oh yeah, I know him. We're in the same classes."
"That's so cool."
They finished going through the line and found places to sit down. Courtney was joined by Rachel and Jenna. Talia was sitting across from them with her mom and step sister.
"So, you like the party Jen and Rachel?"
"Lovin' every moment of it."
"I can't believe we have to leave in four days."
"I know, I'm gonna miss you."
"Promise to write."
"How about email?"
"Works for me. Here, this is my address."

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