Sunday, May 23, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
5-21-10: Love Like Crazy
Here is a music video that I just, cannot get enough of. The song is Love Like Crazy, and it's by. Lee Brice. I first heard this song when I was in the car with my dad and after getting home I looked it up and have not stopped listening to it since... it's an amazing love song, totally luv it!!!! (have I said I love it enough for y'all? lol)
Just as him how he made it, he'll tell you faith and sweat
And the heart of a faithful woman, who never let him forget!
Be a best friend
Tell the truth
And over use, I LOVE YOU
Go to work
Do your best
And don't outsmart your common sense
Never let your prayin' knees get lazy
And love like CRAZY!
Always treat your woman like a lady
Never get too old to call her baby
Never let your prayin' knees get la-zy
And love like CRAZY!
I sing this song over, and over, and over, and over (ect.) where ever I am. My friends and I think it's such a great song. (the pre-chorus, chorus and bridge I typed out are my fave parts)
Have a wonderful week-end!

Thursday, May 20, 2010
5-20-10:About me!
Well, the title of this blog is called A Day in MY life, so I guess I should tell you about MY life, as in... what makes me tick. :)
The six basic things that make my life are...
1. God/My personal faith
2. Friends
3. Horses
4. Writing
5. Music
6. Family
Now, I'm just going to break those things down...
1. God/My personal faith
I try my hardest everyday to make sure God stays at the top of my life. He's definitely the most important part, so obviously should be at the top.
You have all heard me tell you over and over again how much I luv my youth group and my church. They are amazing and I just couldn't live without them. God definitely knew what he was doing when he moved my family to our current church family. :D
I believe that God has a wonderful and amazing plan for my life. I have a pretty good idea what that might be, but I'm not going to keep my ideas from letting God do what he wants with my life.
My faith is definitely top priority in my life. I try my hardest to put that into everything I do. My writing, the activities I do, the friends I have, the books I read, I do my best to make sure all of it is Christian based.(And believe me, it's not easy in this world we live in today)
My Sunday school leader once told it to me like this,
Imagine your life like a bike tire. the hub is in the middle, that is your core, your soul, and all those little spokes are all the things that make up your life(what makes you tick).
That hub is God, the part of your life he holds. So, what happens if that hub is off-centered? What will the bike wheel do?(just imagine your bike having square tires... yeah, doesn't work does it.)
If God isn't at the center of your life, then your life is not going to be smooth. Sure, we all hit those bumps in the road, and sometimes, some of them are rougher than others. But, we can always get back up and ride again(after getting patched up) because the hub stayed in the center.
2. Friends
We've all got at least one(GOD!!!). =D And, I've been blessed with several.
I don't really know where I'd be without my friends, they're amazing and I love them so much. They all play a part in my life and I cannot even start to imagine my life without any one of them. :) A saying that I think of a lot when my friends come to mind would have to be,
You're the peanut to my butter
You're the star to my burst
You're the pop to my tart
You're the fruit to my loop
But most importantly,
You're the best to my friend. ♥
Oh horses...:D Another HUGE chunk of my life. :)
The first time I rode a real horse(not one of those over-weight ponies that some teen is paid to walk around in a circle while you sit there on it's back going snail speed as your parents shout, "Be careful! Don't lean over to the side too far!") was in Argentina, in the mountains(I do not suggest this as a first time ride). Our path was like, two feet wide at the most and one side was just, more mountain and the other was a straight drop(probably WAY over 800 feet down)
to the lake and sharp rocks. (Yeah, I cried.)
But that was NOT my last time on a horse, I know it's kinda weird to say... but it actually make me love horses more. My horse got me out of that dangerous, scary place and back home safely! After that, I fell in L.O.V.E!!!!
I've now been riding for about four years. I couldn't even begin to imagine my life without horses... that would be a sad life, that's all I can say.
4. Writing
Ohh.... writing......
Well, what can I say? In my writing, I live in another world. I escape from reality and become a different person for just, a few hours or even just a few minutes.
I started writing actual stories back when I was probably eight or so. Those are just completely horrible let me state that right now. I shudder every time I read some of my first works.
But I think I really got into writing when I was probably 12 or so, maybe 13. I just love it so much.
Writing is as much a part of my life as breathing is. I need to do it, it's a therapy, it's part of what makes me tick. :)
5. Music
Of course! Music is a huge part of my life!
I play the harp, as I'm sure you've read before and I really enjoy it. I've been playing for about, three years now I think, and before that I played the piano for four years I'm pretty sure. And, I've been singing since I could talk(Though, now I pretty much only do it when I'm alone, I've got MAJOR stage fright, even when I'm not on stage!!)
Music is something that soothes me, I am almost always listening to music(I am right now, lol). Whether it be the radio or a CD, or a music video... I'm constantly listening to music.
I really enjoy Christian contemporary/rock the most I'd have to say(just check out my song selections for this blog, lol) but I also really enjoy new country. Especially Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood, Julianne Hough, Rascal Flatts, those are just a few of the names I enjoy =) .
This is SOOO true. Lol
And last, but not least...
My family is made up of 7 people. I'm the eldest of five, and yeah, it has it's ups and downs... but most of the time it's enjoyable.
I do love my parents and my siblings, they're all great and amazing people. :D
So yeah, that's what makes me tick... God/faith, friends, horses, writing, music, and family. Six, simple things that make up my life.
Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
5-18-10:My Movies...Camp Rock

Now who hasn't at least heard of this popular Disney Channel Original?
Camp Rock stars the very famous brother band, the Jonas Brothers, and Demi Lovato, a Disney fan favorite(she can sing, she can act, she funny... who wouldn't love her right).
This movie is actually one of my favorites, I watch it often, and probably know most of the songs and dance scenes by heart. Lol
But, that aside, let's get talking about the story....
Camp Rock is about a teenage girl named Mitchie Torres(portrayed by, Demi Lovato) who is very talented in singing, writing songs, and all around musically, And she dreams of attending the famous music summer camp, Camp Rock and then eventually becoming a professional singer.
But, her family cannot swing the tuition. Her mother(portrayed by, Maria Canals Barrera) owns a small catering business and her father a small hardware store.
But, seeing how badly her daughter wants to attend this camp, Connie Torres(Barrera) signs on to be the camp cook, allowing Mitchie to attend the camp at a discounted rate... as long as she helps out in the kitchen with her mom.
When arriving at the camp, Mitchie is over the top excited. She can hardly wait to meet the other campers, but soon realizes that this camp is way different than she would have expected.
Tess Tyler(portrayed by, Meaghan Jette Martin) is what Mitchie's first friend, Caitlyn Gellar(portrayed by, Alyson Stoner) calls, "The Diva of Camp Rock." She's rich, talented(not nearly as talented as Mitchie, but could definitely make it to the top), and has just about everyone at Camp Rock wrapped around her finger.
Tess is also the daughter of the famous T.J Tyler, who apparently has won, "A trillion and one Grammys." (according to a very sarcastic Caitlyn)
Mitchie immediately wants to be friends with the IT girl, but finds it difficult in the beginning, for she trips Tess, making the girl instantly hate her.
EVERYONE at the camp seems to be the son or daughter of someone famous, or at least rich. Mitchie feels very out of place with her, "boring summer camp wardrobe" and being the daughter of the camp cook and a hardware store owner.
At a welcoming rally, the camp director announces that they will be having a celebrity instructor named....
That scene ends and then it goes to another one where, the famous band, Connect Three(The Jonas Brothers) are sitting in a limo and their lead singer, Shane Gray(portrayed by, Joe Jonas) is streaming mad because he, "doesn't want to spend his summer at some camp."
But, he has no choice, his sour, self centered attitude has gotten their summer tour canceled, and to get back his good boy image, he needs to work as a counselor at, Camp Rock.
After only being on campus for a few hours, Shane is found by screaming girl fans and is chased around until he ducks behind a tree(the girls I'm guessing were not good hide-and-go-seek players because he was almost in plain sight).
While the girls are looking for him, Shane hears a girl singing in the building behind him, that girl, unknown to him is Mitchie.
This famous pop star cannot believe her voice, and really likes how her song sounds. But, by the time the screaming, completely obsessed fans leave and he can stand up, the mystery girl is gone and he hasn't a clue about her identity.
That night at an open mike, Mitchie is talking with Caitlyn when Tess and her "friends(Anna Maria Perez de Taglé and Jasmine Richards)" come along and interrupt.
Desperate to fit in, Mitchie tells everyone that her mom is the President of Hot Tunes TV... in China.
Tess, already thinking that Mitchie is a HUGE competition invites Mitchie to join her and her "friends" to stay in their cabin while she's at Camp Rock.
Mitchie is ecstatic. She immediately moves in and makes friends with the three IT girls.
The next day, Shane doesn't show for his class. So, the day after that his uncle and the camp owner, Brown Cessario (portrayed by, Daniel Fathers) tells him that everything is NOT about him and that he needs to drop the act, and then escorts the super star to his class.
Shay is a complete know-it-all and kind of mean to his class in the beginning. But, then at the end, you see a side of him that Mitchie notices and takes in. A softer, kinder side that Shane probably didn't even know he'd let slip.
Shane continues to search for his, "Mystery girl" and asks several people to help him. Which, only lands him with every girl except Caitlyn(We never see her singing to Shane, so we only guess that she knows it isn't her, so why bother, she's also the only girl other than Mitchie who doesn't seem completely obsessed with the bad boy of Connect Three) and Mitchie singing to him, trying to prove that they're, "the one".
Shane and Mitchie have several encounters, and Shane tells her at one point that it's nice to have someone who gets his life. Mitchie is confused, but then remembers her lie.
"You too." She says with a smile, feeling really guilty.
Shane also writes a song about his, "Mystery girl". He shares it with Mitchie who thinks it's amazing and should put it on the next album.
With new found courage, Shane sets out and writes another song and then has his band mates(Nick Jonas and Kevin Jonas) come and sing it with him.
Shane and Mitchie share several glances, giving away the fact that there is a spark forming between them. Then, a jealous Tess sees.
Already knowing that Mitchie can sing better than her, and now seems to have won over this boy's heart that she has sought after herself, gets very angry, and says something that turns the entire camp against poor, Mitchie. Including Shane, who for the first time in a long time had been real with someone. He's heart broken, and so is Mitchie.
When I heard about this movie, the reason I wanted to see it was because I used to be a dancer and I love singing(in the comfort of my bedroom when no one is watching of course). Not because I was a Jonas Brothers fan(Which I am not really).
Now, don't get me wrong. The Jonas Brothers are some great role models I'm sure, and some of their songs are great. But, I'm not a huge fan so, could have cared less if they stared in this film or not.
Also, I did not tune in on June 21st 2008 because of the other all-star cast members(I am a fan of Demi Lovato and Alison Stoner). I was excited about this movie because of the music and dancing, and also the story line intrigued me.
I'm not going to be one of those people that pulls the whole moral of the story out and completely bore you, because I really didn't pull it out and think on it until the oh, 20 something time I'd watched the film.
The dancing was great, and so was the music. Most of it was fun and very catchy. You can tell the actors/actresses and crew poured their hearts and souls into this film.
The story line was good, it reminded me kind of HSM and HSM2, but in it's own unique way. (example; good girl, has brown hair, great voice and is quiet, bad girl, has blonde hair, good voice and gets what she wants, when she wants it, good boy, attracted to the good girl, can sing, and is popular.)
The few things that I did find that were a little odd or, not as likeable as the rest of the movie were,
1. The fact that Mitchie lied, very wrong. I don't care if you want to be popular, you never lie to get you to the top... it will only bring you back down to the bottom at some point, so it's not worth it.
2. The fact that Shane was being a brat for some of the film. He was rude and self centered. Definitely not a guy that I would be attracted too, let alone be obsessed with like some of his fans.
3. Tess is really mean. She goes after what she wants and she doesn't care who she hurts in the process of getting it, or what it takes to get her it, which tells me she doesn't really have any respect for others, or herself.
Now, I realize that this film would have no story line without any of these, so yes... they were necessary, I just thought they weren't very good parts(which is what the makers wanted I'm sure)
But the parts I thought were really great, and should be recognized were,
1. After Tess turns almost the entire camp against Mitchie, Caitlyn stays by her side. A true friend to the end.
2. Mitchie doesn't try to get revenge on Tess. She tells her off at one point, but doesn't say anything really mean about her. Just that she needs to stop treating people like dirt(basically)
3. The finale!!(Which... I'm not going to reveal, sorry!)
So all around, this film is another Disney classic. A great, happy ending for all. I'd give this a A10+(All ages, ten and up) rating.
The reason for the ten and up is because of the romance factor mostly. There is no kissing, but you can definitely tell that there is a relationship between Mitchie and Shane, so I don't think anyone younger should watch this film, unless their parents agree that it is alright with them.
The romance though, is an innocent one, there is a few scenes of the two main stars holding hands and even hugging, but that is it(remember, this is Disney we're talking about =D)
This film is actually rated TV G.
My final words...
Great film! A wonderful one to watch with your close friends with a big bowl of popcorn to share. There were a few negatives, but it was mostly a great, refreshing movie from most of today's films.

Monday, May 17, 2010
5-17-10:God Gave Me You
Well, today I thought I'd share a music video with y'all that I luv SOO much.
When I hear this song, the first thing that comes to my mind is my close group of friends. Here is the video, and then I'll explain just a little more...
God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
For when I think I've lost my way
There are no words here left to say,
it's true
God gave me you
God is totally amazing, let me just get that out of the way first.
Why is he amazing??? Well, just ONE of the trillion bazillion reasons is,
He gave me the most wonderful people in my life. My friends, my youth pastor(who is now the senior pastor at my church, he will be so dearly missed in our youth group!!!)
My friends, the people I can tell anything to, they're always there for me, most of them just a text message way...
My life would definitely not be the same without them. It's so hard to explain the part of my life they hold. (just to let you know, I'm starting to tear up here...)
Honestly, if I didn't have my friends, who knows where I'd be right now, God gave me them, I wasn't sure when we all first met why, but now I know... he had a plan, and I just want to thank him SO much. They are amazing and he knew just why I'd need each and every one of them.
So yes......................

Who has God given you for the ups and downs?
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
But anyway, the reason I'm excited is because of two things.
1. I'm half way done with my latest book, A Standing Heart(!)
2. Summer is right around the corner
I know right???!!! I should be excited! My summer is super packed! I've got a job at the stable where I ride, I am hosting a bible study, I'll be attending both MS and HS youth groups, I'm going on a mission trip with all my close friends, I'm teaching VBS, and the list just goes on and on!!!
Summer 2010, PLEASE come faster!!!!! lol
Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone!

Monday, May 10, 2010
5-10-10:Jesus Take The Wheel
1. A Song title by Carrie Underwood
2. Something we should be asking God everyday before we get out of bed.(So, a prayer.)
First, we'll look at the song....
She was driving last Friday on her way to Cincinnati
On a snow white Christmas Eve
Going home to see her mama and her daddy with a baby in the back seat
Fifty miles to go and she was running low, on faith and gasoline
It had been a long hard year
She had a lot on her mind and she didn't pay attention
She was going way too fast
Before she knew it she was spinning on a thin black sheet of glass
She saw both her lives flash before her eyes
She didn't even have time to cry
She was so scared
She threw her hands up in the air
Jesus take the wheel, take it from my hands
'Cause can't do this on my own.
I'm letting go,
So give me one more chance,
Save me from this road I'm on,
Oh... Jesus take the wheel
This song is one of my favorites right now, and I'm about to tell you why.
No matter what we think, we do not control our lives. The world may be screaming, "TAKE CONTROL!" but, we can't. We are not in complete control of our lives. God is.
Instead of screaming, "I NEED TO GET CONTROL!" We need to be praying, "Jesus, take control of my life forever and always."
"Jesus! Take the wheel! Take the wheel of my life and control it forever!"
I listen to this song all the time, and just love it. It reminds me to let God take the wheel, and everything will be alright in the end. :D
Live will be SO much easier if we just agree with God instead of fight him for the power to control our lives. We need to give our life wheel over to him, and trust me... even though at times we may get upset and angry at something he is doing, a few years down the road... we will realize why he did that, and (hopefully!!!) we'll thank him for the lesson he taught us during that hard time.
So, every morning I'm going to start saying (before I even get out of bed), "Jesus, please take the wheel of my life today and I will trust every turn you make. I love you, amen."
Will you join me? Just... try it for this week, and see what happens. Your days just might go a lot smoother when you put God in the top spot.
Have a completely wonderful Monday!!! You are all awesome and thank-you so much for reading my blog!

Friday, May 7, 2010
5-7-10: I really dislike this thing called...
Have you ever had it? Do you know what it is like when you have all these completely AMAZING ideas in your head, yet somehow... they are stuck, and cannot get out onto your paper or computer screen?
OR the other version of writers block, which I am currently battling with, is when your brain is COMPLETELY empty... and no matter what you do, (search fb flair, play solitar, chat with friends, sing, ect.) you just cannot think of ANYTHING!!!!!
It is the most frustrating feeling that I have ever had in my life. Writing is such a HUGE part of my life, so when I can't... it's like part of me isn't working. Which... just doesn't feel right.
Here is a part from one of my books that I'm currently working on(well... not currently, currently... writer's block is E.V.I.L >:P) about just this...
Nicole let out a sigh as she stared at the blank screen. The blinking of the cursor mocking her empty mind.
It was just after ten o’clock and Nikki had been staring at that lap top screen for over two hours, she’d played numerous games of solitaire, searched through facebook flair, and even read a few blog posts. But she just couldn’t write anything more than the title.
“Come on Nicole, you’re a writer! You can, you have to write something!” Nicole shouted at herself in the quietness of her bedroom.
Setting the lap top down next to her on the bed, Nicole walked into the bathroom and splashed some cold water on her face, sometimes the technique worked.
Nicole/Nikki is the main character, she's a famous, teen author with several published books... and now, she's working on her next best seller. The only problem, she has writer's block.
Imagine it like this....
You're riding along on your horse, and you can see this AMAZING field in front of you, filled with golden prairie grass, beautiful flowers, in all the colors of the rainbow,and it just looks like complete and udder paradise.
So you speed up, you're now galloping at top speed, you must reach that field. And then... out of the blue, right as you're on a top speed role... a gigantic brick wall, over a thousand feet tall and wide, in forced with steal rods, drops from the sky and lands right in front of that beautiful paradise. There is no WAY you can get over that wall, or around it, you cannot even see the top or the end... it seems to go on forever. You're suddenly feel so small, and so helpless. Then the sun goes behind one of those dark, spooky rain clouds. It's nearly pitch black out, you can hardly see your hand in front of your face.
THAT my dear readers... is writer's block, or... a brain black-out, whatever you like to call it... it is horrible, and one of the worst things ever.
Now, how do you get over this mental brick wall? Could you scale it? Not a chance, it is smoother than glass. Could you break it down? Maybe... if you had a HUGE recking ball... and even then it would take days to remove all of the pieces.
SO HOW do you get rid of it?
My solution that I have found the most affective... is to just leave the brick wall alone for a day or so, completely leave. Go, ride away on your horse back away from that wall and stay away for at least a day...
And (I still question how this works btw), then... after a good night's sleep, and a few great dreams, head back to that mental brick wall... and(For me... it is different for many people) you just might find... that the sun has come out and those spooky, black clouds have turned into those pretty, white ones that look like cotton candy and bunnies(=D) and that, that brick wall you left there the day before, has now disappeared into thin air, and that field of wonders... is right there waiting for you and your horse to gallop into it, and take on everything it has to offer.
So yes... Writer's Block may be a pain in the brain when you have it, and you might not want to leave that empty page for even a second... it is definitely a good idea to just... walk away.
I'm guessing you guys might want to know what happened to Nikki's writer's block huh? Okay, okay... here is what happened...
“I finished the first chapter!”
“You did? Just last night? I thought you had,” Brandi nearly spit out her orange juice as her best friend shared the news.
“Don’t say it, or I will.” Nicole reminded her friend, who only nodded and then swallowed the rest of her juice.
“How many pages?”
“How long were you up?!” Brandi couldn’t believe it, when she’d gone to bed just before ten, Nicole couldn’t write a thing, and now here she was, telling her she’d just written a twelve page chapter?!
“Until almost three, but Brandi I cannot tell you how excited I was!”
So yes... a happy ending for my lovely main character Nicole, let's only hope there will be one for me in the next few days and the rest of my characters...=D
Have a wonderful week-end!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
5-6-10:New Music
Just thought I'd let ya'll know that I've got some knew music on here! Hope you enjoy it! Here is a list of them in order, with the artists...
1. City On Our Knees, By. Toby Mac
2. Keys to the Kingdom, By. Group 1 Crew
3. Walk on the Water, By. Britt Nicole
4. Free to be Me, By. Francesca Battistelli
5. Every Little Thing, By. Hawk Nelson
6. Beautiful Ending, By. Barlow Girl
7. Superstar, By. Barlow Girl
8. All Along, By. Remedy Drive
9. By Your Side, By. Tenth Avenue North
10. Be My Escape, By. Relient K
11. Big House, By. Audio Adrenaline
12. Neverending, By. David Crowder Band
13. Foreverandever ect., By. David Crowder Band
14. Come Thou Fount, By. David Crowder Band
15. My Glorious, By. David Crowder Band, Chris Tomlin
16. Cassie, By. Flyleaf
17. The Time has Come, By. Hillsong United
18. Let It Out, By. ZOEgirl
19. You Never Let Go, By. Matt Redman
20. Behind the Scenes, By. Francesca Battistelli
21. One World, By. Toby Mac
22. Made to Love, By. Toby Mac
23. More Beautiful You, By. Johnny Diaz

5-6-10: One Girl CAN Change the World
Just last month I started reading this bible study book called, One Girl Can Change the World, By. Claudia Mitchell and Kim Goad. I'm not that far into it, but it is already one of my favorite books.
The reason I started reading this book is because this summer I'm hosting a bible study at my house for my close friends and I. I spent a few months searching our Christian bookstores until I finally found this one... and I just immediately felt drawn to it.
I think that in the back of every girl's mind, we do want to leave an impact on the world. We want to leave a stamp, showing that yes... we did exist. At least I know... that I do.
I talked with two of my best friends about the book and they've both agreed that this one is definatly perfect for our summer bible study, we're all about to head into the HS scene and we want to,
1. Stay grounded in our faith as peer presure gets stronger
2. Grow even closer than we are now (If that is even possible... lol)
3. Be a leader! (And not the bad kind)
WHICH, is exactly what this book teaches about. Figuring out your leadership style(s), using your passions for a purpose, carrying out our missions with confidence(!), and finding a good mentor and then, being one.
At the top of my blog, there is a bible verse that I have definatly chosen to live by this year, and hopefully the rest of my teen years. It is 1 Timothy 4:12. I found this verse at the begginging of 2010, but wasn't surprised when I refound it in this book.
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.*
I have chosen this verse to be my life verse, I do want to(with ALL my heart and soul) to set an example for other believers(whether they are at the stable, church, or the grocery store(remember, I'm homeschooled) ) in speech(being wise in choosing my words and tone), in life(the choices I make, such as my friends and how my time is spent each day), in love(not just romantic love, but loving my friends and family the way God loves me, unconditionally), in faith(My youth pastor and youth mentors have drilled into me that it doesn't matter how young you are, you can still have a strong, confident faith.), and in purity(mind and body).
So, to end this post I encourage all teen girls to go to your local Christian book store(or find it online) and buy this book! Even if you just want to do it on your own, in your own time, it is still one of the best bible study books you will find for sure!

Monday, May 3, 2010
5-3-10:Pretty fun week-end
Sorry it has been awhile, but you know me... busy busy. Lol
So yeah, I had a pretty great week-end, especially since it kinda started on Friday. lol
Anyway, I guess I'll explain WHY I had a great week-end...
FRIDAY: On Friday morning I went over to my friends Anna and Heidi's house, I was there until one and then they brought me home, it was a total blast, I learned a new way to make friendship bracelets and got to hang out with two of my greatest friends that I haven't seen in like, a year!!!!!!!
THEN at 3 we picked up my friend Rachel and the two of us went HORSEBACK RIDING!!!!!!!
Yup! It was my b-day gift to her, it was SO SO SO much fun!!!!!! She is defiantly a natural, :)
For the past three weeks I've been rehearsing with the children's choir at my church for their big play called, "It's Cool In The Furnace". I was playing my harp in three of the songs and then some other smaller parts through-out the play. :)
On Sunday I had to be at church at 8am, which isn't too hard for me because I always get up pretty early on Sundays anyways, lol(Just ask my family... lol)
We had a last minute practice that went really well, and then we all split up for Sunday school, after that I raced upstairs to service and got up to my harp just a few minutes before the choir got there. =)
The play went amazingly well. The kids did great and so did our director and the rest of the band. I'm very, very happy with how well it went. :)
So yeah, that was my wonderful week-end, maybe I can relax now?(hahahaha)
Hope you all have a great Monday!