"You've done your good deed for the day",
"I've done my good deep for the day"
Sound familiar? I'm guessing they do.
"I've done my good deep for the day"
Sound familiar? I'm guessing they do.
Today I heard this saying again, and it really made me feel conflicted... and here, I'll tell you why.
As Christians, we're supposed to be showing a world of people who need saving a loving, caring, kind, Jesus. We are supposed to be like him while he was living here on earth. So, did Jesus just do one good deed a day and then say, "Okay... I'm done, now it's time to do some people watching."? No!! If he did, then our bibles wouldn't be nearly so full with amazing, true stories.So, should we say that? No! We should do more than just one good thing a day.
Now do you understand me?
I was at a baseball game today, and I was with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and some other family members when I had heard this saying. We had a box, so I was cleaning off the counters and tables, mostly because they were a mess and felt bad for the people having to come clean later.
Something I've heard over and over again is, "Leave this place cleaner than when you got here" and I try to do just that. But, I really couldn't vacum or wipe off counters, so I was just trying to to what I could. Just to be nice.
I had walked outside to where the seats were and a few of my cousins were standing out there. I asked them to help me pick up all the cups, plates, napkins, ect. They whined and said that they really didn't want to, but I turned it into a game and they came around(;D). After it was all done, someone close to me said that saying, "there... you've done your good deed for the day." I'd heard this before and it never really bothered me as much as it had this time.
Maybe it's just because I'm an older sibling, but I do a lot of things for other people all day long. I cook, I clean, I bathe, I clothe, it's just who I am. I really enjoy doing things for other people. It gives me that warm, fuzzy feeling. :D lol
But, I think it also has to do with the fact that I'm a Christian, and I have a heart that is seeking to be on fire for Christ.
I personally believe with all my heart that we need to put others before ourselves at all times. Holding doors for others, picking up our trash so cleaning people have less to do, helping to carry bags, whatever. The last shall be first I love to say. :)
Jesus came down to serve, not to be served. Though, several people(including some of his diciples at times) thought otherwise. And I don't blame them one bit. He is the son of God! Why should He, of all people have to be the one serving?
Because... he was showing us that it doesn't matter how high up you are on that ladder... everyone should be serving.
While here, Jesus said that saying, "the last shall be first" several times. He really wanted to get that point across. If we put ourselves behind others, we will be the first in the Kingdom of Heaven. And come on, doesn't that sound worth just holding a few doors or picking up the person next to you's plate?
So the saying, "You've done your good deed for the day" I would honestly tell you I don't really like, and I don't think I personally will ever use. I don't think you can do enough "good deeds" in one day.
And, I don't think I'd call them "good deeds" either. I'd rather call them, something like, "A call of duty" or, "an honor"... okay, maybe the second one is a little high but, still... good deed just sounds a little weird to me.
Also, we shouldn't feel like we have to put others first, we should feel like we get to, we have choices. So we shouldn't feel like we have to do anything. We get to do anything.
And is it always going to be easy? Putting other first? No... it can be really hard. I was put down today, someone told me that I shouldn't be cleaning, that it was the workers' job. Yes... but it was our mess, we should at least help. I'm sure the staff was a little surprised to see that the tables were cleaned off and everything was thrown away and not just lying around on the counters and floors.
So no, it's not always going to be easy, it's not always going to be fun, and it certainly won't always be the popular thing to do,(Though it should be), but it is always the right thing. And we will be rewarded. God promised, and he never breaks his promises.
Just my thoughts,

Have a GREAT 4th everyone!!!!!!
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ttyl ~Hanna