Well, since on my last post I told you that I had tons of stories to tell you about my mission trip, but didn't actually tell you any, I thought I'd tell y'all some now. :)
On Wednesday, it was our half day. We would work from 8:30am to 12:30 am... giving us about three hours off. Everyone was excited because the rest of the day we would spend with our youth groups, just bonding and telling stories about the past few days.
But, my (awesome!!!!!!) crew (crew 10!) finished WAY early. On both Monday and Tuesday we had worked super hard to finish this house we had. We were doing mostly interior, but we had to paint a porch and also do a sealing coat on the roof. We would have finished this house on Tuesday, but we had run out of paint for the porch. ( :( ) So, we ordered more paint and it was waiting for us on Wednesday morning.
My crew was made up of six people. Me, three other teens and two crew leaders. We only had to paint one wall, and we only had to do one coat.
We got to work as soon as we arrived and we were done just a few minutes after nine. We called TeenServe, the organization that we were with and asked if they wanted us to go help another crew, since it wasn't even 9:30am yet. But, they said no... no one really needed help, so we could just go back to the school we were staying at and hang. We were kinda upset about it at first, mostly because we were really wanted to serve, but then we realized that we could sit in the AC and just relax. Then we decided it was okay. (lol)
We got back to the school around 9:30 and we all headed into the cafeteria. We had brunch and we did our devos. I shared my testimony with my crew, it was really fun. I've never really told anyone my testimony before this trip, I did it a lot throughout it though. :D
After that our leaders disappeared and the four of us decided to play cards. We played cards from about, 10:30am until 12:25pm. Nearly two hours! It was amazing bonding time. We really got to know each other in that short period of time. I was kinda upset when everyone else started to show up... I didn't want our alone time to end! And the rest of my crew didn't either. We were really starting to become great, close friends.
I'm happy to say that right now I'm still in touch with all of my crew. It's been nearly two weeks since that time we had alone in the cafeteria. I cannot believe that my trip went by so fast, I really want to go back. It was an awesome experience, and I hope to one day see my crew again. Who knows... maybe next year. :D
Well, there yah have it. A mission trip story. :D Have a great day!

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