Hey everyone, so sorry it's been like... forever since I last posted... but I've been keeping rather busy over here :)
But... that's not what I wanted to talk to you all about. Here is what is...
Heroes are made when you make a choice...
You could be a hero,
Heroes do what’s right,
You could be a hero,
You might save a life,
You could be a hero, you could join the fight,
For what’s right, for what’s right, for what’s right...
Most of us don't really realize the impact we can have on the people around us. Especially as Christians, we need to, now more than ever I think take a stand. We need to be a Hero.
And I'm not talking about the, flying through the air, punching through walls, breathing under water kind of heroes. No... to be this kind of Hero... there are only three main things you have to do...
1. A kind smile: Do you realize how much just a smile can change someones day? I have experienced this several times, I've been in a slump and then someone flashed a happy smile at me, and my attitude instantly changed that day. You could be someones Hero... just by showing them you care, with a simple smile.
2. Ask them to sit by you at lunch/church/youth group/hang out: We were not put here on this earth to be one of the "cool kids", let me just get that out of the way right now. Sure, I'll admit it. It does feel nice to be at the top... but God already has that spot filled... so we need to focus on showing his love down here a little bit more.(Cuz that is why we are here)
Just asking a kid who is always the target of a bully/bullies to sit with you during lunch, could honestly make their day... it could change what they go home and do/think about too.
Don't you love it when someone asks you to sit by them at lunch, or during church, or at youth group? Everyone loves to feel wanted... we're humans, it's part of our nature.
A simple, "Hey... you wanna sit together today?" could honestly change a life... for the better.
3.Pray for them... and then tell them: Has anyone ever told you that they are praying for you? How does that make you feel? Sure... maybe a little embarrassed at first, but don't you just suddenly feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Those people care enough to take time out of their day to just ask God to watch over you and protect you! They care about you!(These people are major Heroes in my book) Just try it, pray for that kid who is always getting picked on, and then just tap them on the shoulder someday and say, "hey... I'm praying for you." And give them a simple hug or smile. If they aren't a Christian, they're going to be completely blown away. And if they are a Christian, they probably will still be a little caught off guard.
It's all pretty simple, to be a Hero... all you gotta do is smile, show that you care, and pray. Don't you want to be a Hero?
But... that's not what I wanted to talk to you all about. Here is what is...
Heroes are made when you make a choice...
You could be a hero,
Heroes do what’s right,
You could be a hero,
You might save a life,
You could be a hero, you could join the fight,
For what’s right, for what’s right, for what’s right...
Most of us don't really realize the impact we can have on the people around us. Especially as Christians, we need to, now more than ever I think take a stand. We need to be a Hero.
And I'm not talking about the, flying through the air, punching through walls, breathing under water kind of heroes. No... to be this kind of Hero... there are only three main things you have to do...
1. A kind smile: Do you realize how much just a smile can change someones day? I have experienced this several times, I've been in a slump and then someone flashed a happy smile at me, and my attitude instantly changed that day. You could be someones Hero... just by showing them you care, with a simple smile.
2. Ask them to sit by you at lunch/church/youth group/hang out: We were not put here on this earth to be one of the "cool kids", let me just get that out of the way right now. Sure, I'll admit it. It does feel nice to be at the top... but God already has that spot filled... so we need to focus on showing his love down here a little bit more.(Cuz that is why we are here)
Just asking a kid who is always the target of a bully/bullies to sit with you during lunch, could honestly make their day... it could change what they go home and do/think about too.
Don't you love it when someone asks you to sit by them at lunch, or during church, or at youth group? Everyone loves to feel wanted... we're humans, it's part of our nature.
A simple, "Hey... you wanna sit together today?" could honestly change a life... for the better.
3.Pray for them... and then tell them: Has anyone ever told you that they are praying for you? How does that make you feel? Sure... maybe a little embarrassed at first, but don't you just suddenly feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Those people care enough to take time out of their day to just ask God to watch over you and protect you! They care about you!(These people are major Heroes in my book) Just try it, pray for that kid who is always getting picked on, and then just tap them on the shoulder someday and say, "hey... I'm praying for you." And give them a simple hug or smile. If they aren't a Christian, they're going to be completely blown away. And if they are a Christian, they probably will still be a little caught off guard.
It's all pretty simple, to be a Hero... all you gotta do is smile, show that you care, and pray. Don't you want to be a Hero?
Heroes are made when you make a choice... What choice are you going to make?

Pass along this video to all your friends... and tell them how they can be a hero too :)
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