But it is! Another whole year has gone by... yikes.
In 2011, so much changed for me, it is insane.
- I became old enough to drive(Though I still don't have my license or permit...)
- I attended yet another life altering mission trip
- Realized where God wants me to go with my life
- Strengthened my relationship with my Savior
- And listened to a lot more music ;) (Yes... it was mostly country)
I made some resolutions last year and for the most part, I think I've really managed to keep up with them.
My main one was to prepare to make a difference. But inside that, I had three other resolutions...
- Stay in constant communication with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
I believe I did pretty well with this one, until lately :( Sadly I've dropped the ball with my prayer time. So this one will continue to be on my list for 2012.
- Stay in the Word, studying everything in it.
I did amazing with this all summer, and then decently in this school year. But, I know I can do better, so I'll continue with this too.
- Listening and learning what God has to say through people wiser than I.
If I do say so myself... I rocked this one. LOL. Every chance I could I was listening to a sermon, or a Sunday School lesson, or attending youth group, or bible study. I drank it all in like I would die without it. And, this one I'll continue with as well... mostly because I can't stop :)
But, I've got a few new ones to add...
Canter on the wall more effectively.
Do better in school
Stop focusing on what the world says, and more on what God says.
What about you? How did you do with your 2011 resolutions? Have you come up with any new ones?
Happy 2012 everyone!!!