Tuesday, June 29, 2010

6-29-10:YOU could be a Hero

Hey everyone, so sorry it's been like... forever since I last posted... but I've been keeping rather busy over here :)
But... that's not what I wanted to talk to you all about. Here is what is...

Heroes are made when you make a choice...

You could be a hero,
Heroes do what’s right,
You could be a hero,
You might save a life,
You could be a hero, you could join the fight,
For what’s right, for what’s right, for what’s right...

Most of us don't really realize the impact we can have on the people around us. Especially as Christians, we need to, now more than ever I think take a stand. We need to be a Hero.
And I'm not talking about the, flying through the air, punching through walls, breathing under water kind of heroes. No... to be this kind of Hero... there are only three main things you have to do...

1. A kind smile: Do you realize how much just a smile can change someones day? I have experienced this several times, I've been in a slump and then someone flashed a happy smile at me, and my attitude instantly changed that day. You could be someones Hero... just by showing them you care, with a simple smile.
2. Ask them to sit by you at lunch/church/youth group/hang out: We were not put here on this earth to be one of the "cool kids", let me just get that out of the way right now. Sure, I'll admit it. It does feel nice to be at the top... but God already has that spot filled... so we need to focus on showing his love down here a little bit more.(Cuz that is why we are here)
Just asking a kid who is always the target of a bully/bullies to sit with you during lunch, could honestly make their day... it could change what they go home and do/think about too.
Don't you love it when someone asks you to sit by them at lunch, or during church, or at youth group? Everyone loves to feel wanted... we're humans, it's part of our nature.
A simple, "Hey... you wanna sit together today?" could honestly change a life... for the better.
3.Pray for them... and then tell them: Has anyone ever told you that they are praying for you? How does that make you feel? Sure... maybe a little embarrassed at first, but don't you just suddenly feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Those people care enough to take time out of their day to just ask God to watch over you and protect you! They care about you!(These people are major Heroes in my book) Just try it, pray for that kid who is always getting picked on, and then just tap them on the shoulder someday and say, "hey... I'm praying for you." And give them a simple hug or smile. If they aren't a Christian, they're going to be completely blown away. And if they are a Christian, they probably will still be a little caught off guard.

It's all pretty simple, to be a Hero... all you gotta do is smile, show that you care, and pray. Don't you want to be a Hero?

Heroes are made when you make a choice... What choice are you going to make?

Pass along this video to all your friends... and tell them how they can be a hero too :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

6-14-10: Cell Phone VS. Bible

Got this in an email, and thought I'd share it with you...

Cell Phone vs. Bible
Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone?
What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we flipped through it several times a day?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
What if we used it to receive messages from the text?
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we gave it to kids as gifts?
What if we used it when we traveled?
What if we used it in case of emergency?
This is something to make you go....hmm...where is my Bible?
Oh, and one more thing…
Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill.
Makes you stop and think 'where are my priorities? And no dropped calls!

Have a great week!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

6-10-10: ANOTHER music video

Hello again!
Alright, so this is a really great song, I listen to it ALL the time, I luv BarlowGirl, they are amazing. Every song they sing has a message that just speaks right to teenage girls.
So yeah, here it is... Average Girl, by the amazing, BarlowGirl!!

Have a great rest of your week and start to your summer!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

6-5-10: Amazing story

Well hello again. :)
Today I'm going to share with you a story out of my favorite devotional book. I've heard this story before from my Sunday school leader, but I just read it again in my devo book this morning.

They were singing choruses when the two soldiers entered with rifles. The service came to a halt as the Russian soldiers stared at the believers with wild eyes.
"What are you doing here?" They shouted. "Worshiping your imaginary God?" The church members cowered in the pews, wondering if there were more soldiers and more guns outside.

"All those who are faithful to God, move to the right side of the church," said one of the soldiers, his face a mask of hatred. "You will be shot for your faith. You who wish to go a home and keep your life, go to the left side. You must decide to live or die. Those who are faithful to this 'God' will die. Those who deny him can live freely."
Ten minutes earlier, everyone had sung praises equally. Now it was a question of life or death. Some stood to the left, looking sadly and waving apologetically at those on the right. Some stood on the right, their eyes closed in last-minute prayers.
"You on the left are free to go," one of the soldiers said moments later. Those people filed out, taking one last look at those who would soon be dead.
Wen only those on the right remained, the soldiers put down their weapons. "We, too, are Christians," they said, "but we wish to worship without hypocrites."*

Now isn't this story just utterly amazing?! When you first start reading it, you are sure that those are the right are going to be martyrs. But... they're not!! Those soldiers had no intent of killing anyone in that church, they just wished to worship as well... but not with people who were just pretenders.
I think about this story almost every time I enter my church. I really make sure that I'm not just there to see my friends, or to be a "good" Christian. I want to be there to learn more and more about my God.
I also question probably on a daily basis if I would be willing to die for my faith.
And right now, I'm pretty confident that I would choose to go over to the right side. Now, I know that it is a lot different to say such a thing right now, when I'm in the comfort of my home, with police who don't believe in killing anyone for their indevidual faith beliefs, just a few miles away. Would I honestly be able to answer, "yes, I am willing to die for my faith" when there is a gun pointed at my head, and all my friends and family are on the left side of the room?
Now, I'd still love to say that yes, even then I'd still go over to the right side. Though, to be completely honest with you, If I did choose that, I would probably be shaking in my boots the entire time, questioning if I should run across at the last moment.
I would really hope I would be confident in my desistion to stay on the right.

And I can honestly tell you that I would rather die a strong, true Christian, then live a life as a hypocrite.
Which would you choose?

*Extreme Devotions, by. The Coauthors of JESUS FREAKS

Friday, June 4, 2010


YEA! YEA! YEA! YEA! (Come on, jump up and down, scream at the top of your lungs... you know you want too... summer is right around the corner!)
Finally, we can see it! Summer is almost here and I am SO excited for what the days ahead hold for me and my friends. :D :D
youth group
mission trip
working at the stable

And those are just a few of the things that I cannot wait to start!
But, all this talk about summer has also got me thinking... clothes.
I don't know about you, but when I think summer clothes, I think shorts and swimsuits. Because that's just what everyone wears.
And... sometimes, they aren't that bad.
I luv my Bermuda shorts and tankinis. They are comfortable and modest.(yeah... I said it :D)
But seriously... do you ever feel nervous when summer finally does arrive? Do you really want to wear some of those shorts that have pockets that stick out two inches below the bottom of the short?(I've seen several of these already this year... yuck I know)
And do you really want to be seen in some of those swimsuits?(Like the ones that look more like... well, you know... they should be under your tee shirt and shorts... not the only thing you're wearing in public)
I know that I sometimes I start to flip out about what to wear in the summer. I have really(really) long legs, so shopping for clothes is always hard. Because sometimes, clothes that aren't supposed to be that short, actually are on me.(:P I know)
But, I recently learned a trick that I absolutely LUV! And... I'm going to share it with you.
Go to the store(walmart, target, kohls, ect.) and buy a pair of jeans or pants. Then, when you get home, put them on, and then... take a pen, perminant marker, or something like that and mark a line just about your knee. Do the same thing on the other leg. Then, take off the pants and grab a scissor. Lay the pants down on the floor and cut at the line.
What do you have now my dear readers? Bermuda shorts!!
Now, you can either roll the under and sew them so that they don't fray, or just leave them. That's what I do. Less work. lol
I luv doing this because, like I said before... shopping for summer clothes are never fun. When I get the right length, they are too big around my waist, when I get the right size, they are too short. It's a total pain. BUT this way, I can get the waist size right, and then make the shorts any length I want. :D

Summer is coming... are you going to flip out about your wardrobe? Or... look that bright yellow sun with the super cool black sunglasses in the eyes(Not litrally btw... if you look the sun in the eyes, you'll go blind) and say, "you don't scare me anymore!"?
Summer is either a dream come true or a nightmare, for 2010... what is it going to be for you?
Have a completely WONDERFUL summer!!!! Stay busy, but remember to enjoy everything God has given you a chance to do!!
God is great! Summer is almost here... what could be a better moment to just sing out, "Thank-you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Have an amazing summer everyone,