Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Hey Guys!

Sorry it's been ages since I've posted, but I've been super busy. :D
My brothers were on Spring Break this past week, so we were out of the house almost every day, all day.
We went to the Zoo with some friends from church, that was a lot of fun and I got some great pictures, I might put some of them on my, My Photographs page.
We also went up to my grandpa's hunting land where we collected maple syrup with the same friends we went to the Zoo with and some other friends from my brother's school. That was a lot of fun and... I shot a bow and arrow!(And I did pretty well if I may say so myself. Lol)
We also went to the mall, which was okay. *Shrugs* I'm not normally a mall person, but I had some birthday gifts to buy, so it was okay. :D
And I still had harp practice, which is going great! I finished another book of songs and am now two songs into another book! It's called, The Magic Road. It's really a great book. All the pieces of from different areas around the world. :)
Oh! And I've got HBR today, which hopefully will be lots of fun! :D I hope that I get to ride Leo. :D :D
AND YOUTH GROUP IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We didn't have any last week and it was very sad. :'( I luv my youth group SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!!!!! I cannot wait to see everybody this week!! :D
Awhile back I posted about finishing another book. The book was A Rising Heart. It is the second book in my Heart Trilogy. I was super excited when I finished it and I think it turned out really great. :D Here is the intro...
Brooklyn, Brooke Malone is a sixteen year-old Junior at Lakeview High in Pine Grove Wyoming. She’s your average ranch girl, school, chores, friends and horses complete her life. But, her hidden talent, might bring her to the top, though does she even want to be there?
And then her parents take in a delinquent teenager as a foster child… she cannot help but wonder, "who is this mystery boy?"
I also mentioned that I'd started two other books, here are their titles...
  • A Standing Heart (The third book in the Heart Trilogy)
  • Christine: Teenage Horse Trainer

I'll be releasing more information on those two in either April 2010 or May 2010. :D

Well, I gtg get ready for HBR! Have a great last day of March people!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

3-10-10: Riding

Well, I just got home from another really great riding lesson, it was lots of fun. :D
I got to ride Leo, YEAH! lol (As most of you know, he's my favorite horse at my stables... and in the entire world. =D)
He was a little frisky at first, so I had to walk him about ten or fifteen times around the arena before I hopped on.
He was still a little feisty so I had to keep a tight rein on him when Jill(my instructor) finally asked me to have him trot. He kept wanting to canter and shake his head, which is distracting and hard to handle. (Try controlling a 100+ pound object that is flying around with only two leather ropes and a piece of metal(that's the bit) it's not easy!)
But finally, he calmed down, though he still shook his head around a lot. But it wasn't as much so I could control him a lot better.
We worked on my sitting trot & posting trot with stirrups and then again without stirrups. No cantering today because Leo was not being very cooperative.
Finally at the end of my lesson I dismounted (after laying there across his neck for awhile... so nice. :D) and I was taking the reins of of his martingale when I ran my hand across his cheek and got pricked!
I looked closer and saw that he had a little, tiny piece of metal stuck in his cheek! (MY POOR, POOR BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) It took me awhile to get it out 'cause the end that was stuck into his skin was bent so I had to work carefully to get it out without hurting him. (Again, MY POOR BABY!!!!) When I got it out I finished running up his stirrups and then walked over to Jill, and showed it to her. (Here is kinda how our small conversation went)
ME: "Jill, I know why he was shaking his head so much."
JILL: "Why?"
ME: "I just pulled this out of his cheek." (Me holding up the small metal sliver)
ME: I know, I cannot believe I didn't feel it before now."
JILL: (takes the metal sliver) "Well, that explains why he was being so sassy."
ME: (Nods) "There's a little bump too."
Yeah, that's about it... but he did have a small bump from where I'd pulled the sliver out. :( I still feel bad from him. We think he got it when he was outside earlier that day. :(
After that, I got off his tack and then led him around the arena for about fifteen minutes, letting him stop every now and then to sniff and nibble at the bark chips (We'd just gotten new ones).
Finally I got him back to his stall and groomed. I gave him a nice large carrot and then a whole bunch of baby ones.
I wasn't aware that another horse, Georgia was wandering around in the arena while her owner and rider was talking with Jill.
Suddenly I hear laughter behind me and I turn around to see Georgia, standing behind the arena fence, her neck stretched out, reaching for me. She wanted Leo's carrots!
ME: "I'm sorry Georgia, they're all gone." (She didn't believe me)
I walked back down towards the tack room to throw out the bag that held the baby carrots and Georgia followed me! And then she followed me again when I walked back to Leo's stall. Silly horse.
Finally her owner got her a small bag of baby carrots and then a small bag of apple slices. She was much happier then. :D
Well, that was pretty much all the exciting stuff about my lesson... I hope ya'll have a great day! I've gotta go get ready for youth group!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Hey! Sorry I haven't written in a few weeks, I've just been really busy... lol
I'm so excited about our weather right now! For most of the week it has been mid forties, so a lot of our snow is gone! Also, it's been raining most of the day so it smells really nice outside. (I don't know why, but I just luv the smell of rain, and yah... I'm wacko, I know. Hahaha)
I've got Horse Back Ridiing tomorrow, and youth group. So it should be lots of fun!!
I do not have harp on Thursday sadly, but... this Sunday I'll be playing at a tea that my small group leader is having for the sixth graders. I'll also be helping serve. :D I've got a few songs that I've been working on for awhile, so yah... should be fun!

Monday, March 1, 2010


If I were a gemstone, I would be a diamond

If I were a scent, I would be the stables (Though my mommy wouldn't like that... lol)

If I were a pair of shoes, I would be converse or fancy flip flops

If I were the weather, I would be Sunny and 70 degrees with no humidity all the time!!

If I were a facial expression, I would be a tiny smile

If I were a car, a ford pick-up truck :D

If I were a time of day, I would be late afternoon

If I were a place, A sancuary for JESUS!!!!!!!!!!

If I were a liquid, I would be water

If I were a taste, I would be sweet

If I were a sea animal, I would be a dolphin

If I were a food, I would be a mixed greens salad with ranch dressing, chicken pieces, and cucumbers:D

If I were a color, I would be a light purple

If I were a musical instrument, I would be a guitar

If I were a flower, I would be a rose

If I were a song, I would be something with good lyrics and a beat to dance too

If I were a planet, I would be earth

If I were an object, I would be a book

If I were a fruit, I would be a cherry

If I were a sound, I would be a voice to be heard

If I were a day of the week, I would be Wednesday

If I were a pattern, I would be....idk

Your turn! Copy and past this into a post of your own on your blog!