Monday, February 22, 2010


Hi! Just thought I post since I haven't in a really long time. :D
So yeah, mostly what's goin' on over here is well.... hmmmmmmmmmmm
I finished another book. That's amazing, and of course I started 2 more. :D:D The titles I will release to ya'll later. Don't worry. :-)
I'm still riding, one of the many highlights in my week. Last week I had a sub, she was really nice and of course,(!) I got to ride my baby!! LEO!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D
Youth group is as always, lots and lots of fun. I just love hanging out with my friends and learning more about ways to grow closer to God. (And of course, you can't have youth group without some fun games too right?!?!) It's always fun on youth group nights. :D
Harp is as hard as ever. I've got two songs that I've been working on for awhile and hopefully I'll be able to get some work in the new week or so.
Well yup, that's it. I've gotta go,

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