Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12
Hello again!
So, here we are, another random Tuesday! And since last week I showed y'all a funny video, I thought I'd change it up this week and share with you, my lovely readers, a quote I read earlier this week!
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For me, this quote really hits close to home. No matter how long I put things off (I'm the biggest procrastinator guys), time won't slow down or stop for me.
So, what are your thoughts? What do you think of this quote?
As I was considering what movie to blog about today, I couldn't decide between a classic and a newbie. So... I flipped a coin(no joke). And our movie is....
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The Princess Bride!
My all-time-favorite-movie-out-of-all-genres, I'd have to say. Yes, Facing the Giants, Courageous, Beastly, Tangled, The Christmas Card, and The Blind Side are all fantasic, but I'd have to say... Buttercup and Wesley's amazingly romantic/adventure-filled/cheesy story tops them all.
This story has something for everyone, I always say. Obviously, for the in-love-with-love types, there is the romance between a "princess" and farm boy/pirate. Does true love overcome everything, even death? If you follow this fairytale, it seems it may be so. Considering death cannot even stop these lovebirds.
But, this isn't just movie based off a "kissing book", oh no. For those adventure/action lovers, there is the sword fighting, flips and tricks, fire swamp, R.U.S', a crazy death-machine(even though I've watched this movie 100+ times, I still close my eyes and turn down the volume on that part), and a giant. Oh, not to mention three maniacs storm the castle and stop a wedding by a priest who I'm certain is half monkey.
Why Should You See It: Who wouldn't want to see this movie, right?!?!?!
I mean seriously, even my brothers love this movie. They won't admit it, but every time I turn it on, they migrate into the living room ;) This incredible story has everything, for everyone! Action, adventure, romance, suspense, drama, it goes on and on! I don't care if you are thirteen or eighty, there will be something that will make you smile. :D
Why Shouldn't You See It: Okay, okay, okay! I'll admit it... this movie is cheesier than gouda. There is violence, some sensual content(only kissing, hugging and such), and foul language/behavior. The princess makes a claim to kill herself. Also, a Spaniard is dead-set(pun intended) on seeking revenge for his father's murder, and when he finally gets his chance, he doesn't pass it down. The same man swears, and gets intoxicated.
My Rating: It is an older film, and has a PG rating. Though, if it came out today, my guess would be it would earn a PG-13. I give it a A13+, for Ages 13 and Up.
Oh, and it gets a four and a half stars. It would have been five, but there is foul language, something I cannot condone.
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But, don't take my word for it, go rent this film for yourself, I mean it! (Anyone want a peanut? ;)
I am a God fearing, music loving, aspiring author, Christian teen who is not only breathing in this life, but trying, in every way, to live. I'm the eldest of 6, with four younger brothers and a little sister. You can often found daydreaming :) I am an aspiring missionary and hope to one day work full time in children's ministry. I have no clue just how it will happen, but I have faith in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and if He wants this too, I know it'll happen. :)
This list is going to be in constant change, since it seems every time I hear a new song, read a new book or see a new movie it becomes my favorite... but I'll try to not update it every day ;)
(current)Favorite Movie: The Princess Bride ("Stop rhyming, I mean it!" "Anybody want a peanut!")
(current)Favorite Book: There You'll Find Me - By. Jenny B Jones or Revelations or Philippians (hardest decision ever... where is the wise King Solomon when ya need him??)